Book release about Campinas City

Campinas Metropolitana: Socio-spatial Diversities at the turn of the 21st century

Campinas Metropolitana: Socio-spatial Diversities at the turn of the 21st century


Book organized by the researcher of CEM and NEPO, full professor at Unicamp, José Marcos Pinto da Cunha and Camila Areias Falcão, is released in digital version.

The publication is the result of research at the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM/CEPID), NEPO (Núcleo de Estudos de População “Elza Berquó”) and Nesur (Núcleo de Economia Social, Urbana e Regional), from Unicamp. The publication is edited by professor José Marcos Pinto da Cunha and by Camila Areias Falcão and is freely available for download in various formats (see below).

[under translation]


Title: Campinas Metropolitana: diversidades socioespaciais na virada para o século XXI

Orgaizers: José Marcos Pinto da Cunha and Camila Areias Falcão

Year: 2017

ISBN (printed): 978-85-65608-35-0

ISBN (eBook): 978-85-65608-34-3

Format: Available in print with 80 pages and digital book (ebook) compatible with epub, Amazon Kindle and Adobe PDF standards. The digital format is compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindel, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Fire, Kobo, Windows and Mac. Further information on compatibility with applications and reading devices available on bookstore websites and through our email


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