Dataset on housing developments incorporated into the CEM database

The goal is to subsidize geo-statistical, urban economy and public policy investigations as part of a wider project concerning studies on governance patterns that permeate the relations between State and non-State sectors interested in carrying out urban public policies. 

The data refer to the qualitative improvement and to the expansion of information regarding the RMSP residential private developments, systematized by Embraesp between 1985 and 2011.

Among the improvements accomplished by the CEM team, the database presents the georeferencing of buildings and houses, monetary corrections and updates, standardization for the names of the main companies incorporated in each enterprise, and several geographic operations which make the cross-referencing of information on launches with the census data (1991, 2000 e 2010) possible. The variables added to the database and the methods used are available in the Variable Dictionary, which comes along with the data set.

This base is part of the CEM data set, with access here.