Pontocem Bulletim - January 2013

Edition 6

Center for Metropolitan Studies releases the sixth edition of the Bulletin with the production of the researchers in recent months

pontocem-janeiro-2013.pngPublication contains references of academic works of researchers of the institution.

The Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) announces the Pontocem6 Bulletin with the production of academic works related to research developed by the institution in the last six months (July 2012 to January 2013). An online periodical, the Pontocem Bulletin collects and disseminates the production of CEM within the three main lines of investigation: a) Market, jobs and opportunities; b) Living conditions, the State and public policies and c) Sociability and urban life. 

The Pontocem Bulletin presents bibliographic reference of works and activities developed in CEM: books, book chapters, articles in scientific journals, as well as theses and dissertations defended by researchers, including also the series of texts for discussion, published online by CEM (which have the number of ISSN - International Standard Serial Number). 

In this sixth edition was included production of the second half of 2012, and most of it can be accessed freely on the internet (links included). The Centre for Metropolitan Studies is one of the Centers of Research, Innovation and Diffusion (Cepid) from FAPESP and of a National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT). The references cover topics related to: labour, poverty, social networks, segregation, slums, gender, race, public policies, civil society, religion, among others.

Download the bulletim here.

The access to Pontocem6 Bulletin can be done through the CEM website at the Publications > Pontocem Bulletin area of this website.