Public Policy Simulator

An Agent-based model to understand the effect of interactions between federal, state, and local governance on the distribution of educational resources

Researcher Davoud Taghawi-Nejad (Ph.D. Economics of Complexity and Creativity at Università degli Studi di Torino and former post-doc at CEM/CEPID) created an online simulator which deals with information to policy makers with web-based policy simulations. In addition to the simulation tool, the researcher incorporated supporting documentation.

Income inequality has declined steadily in Brazil, but much less is known about the equality of service provision. To test policies intending to increase equality of service distribution in education, the Simulator brings an Agent-Based Model (ABM) that simulates the education spending on the national, state and municipal levels. It showed that the current policy (until 2016) to redistribute 80 percent of each municipality’s educational budget through the FUNDEB has a positive effect on equality of municipal spending on education. It found that an increase in centralization increases distributional equality, but with diminishing returns. The supporting text provides a graph that shows the correspondence between centralization and equality of service provision.

To access the Simulator, click the figure below or follow the link: http:/