Seminar releases book: Capacidades Administrativas dos Municípios Brasileiros para a Política Habitacional

On 7/19 CEM released with the Ministry of Cities, Administrative Capacity of the Brazilian Municipalities for Housing Policy

In the book released on Thursday, July 19th, are investigated the capacity of municipalities to implement housing policies, examining the evolution of the management tools of these policies during the 2000s.

Capacidades administrativas dos municípios brasileiros para a política habitacionalIn addition, it maps the main programs adopted by the municipalities and the forms of intergovernmental cooperation. The researchers propose a new methodology that can be applied in future studies. Compose the team of authors of the book Capacidades Administrativas dos Municípios Brasileiros para a Política Habitacional (Administrative Capacity of the Brazilian Municipalities for Housing Policy) researchers: Marta Arretche (coordination), Berenice de Souza Carneiro, Edgard Fusaro, Edney Cielici Dias and Mariana Bittar.

The on line version of the book Capacidades Administrativas dos Municípios Brasileiros para a Política Habitacional it's available here.

The seminar coordinated by the Director of CEM, Marta Arretche (livre-docente professor of the Department of Political Science/ University of Sao Paulo), had as participants Junia Santa Rosa (Director of the Department of Institutional Development and Technical Cooperation / Ministry of Cities), Nabil Georges Bonduki (Prof. Dr. of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism/ University of Sao Paulo), Carlos Vicente y Plá Darkness (Caixa Econômica Federal), as well as the authors of the publication.


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