Seminar Serie - The dynamics of race and class in inclusive settings

On Friday, November 12 of 2010, researcher Marcia Lima addressed the subject "The dynamics of race and class in inclusive settings"

In her presentation, the researcher Marcia Lima (CEM / CEBRAP / USP) expounded on the partial results of research that develops, "The dynamics of race and class in inclusive settings."She highlighted: a research agenda, inclusion problems, the convergence between the research agendas of CEM / INCT, ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and the Ford Foundation, including the initial findings.

The initial objective of the research involves elucidating the analytical capabilities of the variable "race" in the analysis of the phenomena of production and reproduction of poverty and inequality.

The analysis takes into account both contexts, marked by high levels of poverty and segregation and space, in Cidade Tiradentes (Sao Paulo) and Bairro da Paz (El Salvador) and the effect of race.

In her presentation the researcher addressed, among other points, some of the initial findings of the research team, which reveal general descriptive data as the first significant effects of inclusion policies, built against a backdrop of inequality. Highlighting the example that choices tend to engage with public policy.

Given the changes promoted by the policies that seek to further investigate these characteristics, which initially point out that "the system is able to retain more people in teaching than include new, in all its years of study."

The Seminar took place at CEM/CEBRAP, 615 Morgado de Mateus st., São Paulo