Territorial division

"New Territorial Division of the States and Brazil: a geographic perspective" by José Donizete Cazzolato was released on October 2011

The debate "New States: and Brazil, as it is?" happened on Wednesday, October 19 at 4:3o pm in Sao Paulo.

Novos Estados e a Divisão territorialThe release of the book “Novos Estados e a Divisão Territorial do Brasil: uma visão geográfica “ (New Territorial Division of the States and Brazil: a geographic perspective) was held on a debate attended by the author, Jose Donizete Cazzolato, the speaker, Coordinator of Post Gratuate Program and Director of the Laboratory of Political Geography of the Geography Department at FFLCH/USP, Professor Andre Martin and the fellow researcher at CEM and professor in the Department of Political Science at USP, Eduardo Cesar Marques. The debate on "New States, and Brazil, as it is?" was held in the auditorium of the CEM / Cebrap, on October 19th 2011 , followed by a session of book signing and a cocktail.

Countries and states have been created in the recesses of a cabinet, using a map and a ruler, without regard to geography or to the people living there, with disastrous consequences: just read modern history. The creation of new states is a controversial subject, which concerns not only researchers and politicians, but the entire population, as it has profound economic and social implications.

On the eve of the referendum, scheduled for December 2011, when it will be voted on the proposal to divide the state of Pará in three, forming the new Member Carajás and Tapajos, José Donizete Cazzolato looks at the issue and propose technical criteria for the most appropriate territorial division the country, focusing on a more equitable arrangement, without massive units alongside other barely stand up.

By applying the proposed geographical criteria, and some of the current projects include the creation of other states - as well as Carajás and Tapajos - the author builds a possible scenario with 37 units of the Federation, of which 33 states and three federal territories. The Interior Paulista? It is one of the surprising findings of the study.

"Novos Estados e a Divisão Territorial do Brasil: uma visão geográfica" is an editorial partnership between the Office of Texts and CEM-Center for Metropolitan Studies.


Programming of release with debate - "Novos Estados e a Divisão Territorial do Brasil: uma visão geográfica" José Donizete Cazzolato at Auditorium of the CEM / Cebrap

4:30 pm


Professor Eduardo Marques. Doctor in Social Sciences, UNICAMP. Professor at Department of Policial Sciences/USP. Former Director of the CEM (2004-2009). Deputy Coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology for Metropolitan Studies (INCT / CNPq / CEM). Professor at Fondation Nationales des Sciences Politiques and vice president of the RC-21 - Sociology of Urban and Regional Development - International Sociological Association (ISA). He also coordinates the Summer School "Concepts, methods and techniques in Political Science" mantida pela International Political Science Association with the Department of Policial Sciences/USP and the International Relations Institute/USP.

4:35 pm

Exposure Author:

Jose Donizete Cazzolato, Geographer. Master in Geography, USP. 2005 dissertation that presents a methodology for the division of districts in large cities, for which claims the condition of territorial official body. Acted decisively in the division district of São Paulo (Law 11220/92). Most recently, his proposal to revise the macrorregionalização of Brazil - "The post-regions of Brazil Tocantins: testing for a new arrangement" - had national repercussions.

4:50 pm


Professor Andre Martin, PhD in Human Geography, USP. Head of the Geography Department at School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH) USP.

5 pm

Coordinator: Eduardo Marques

Synthesis and complementation of the main contributions of the author and debater

Call for entries for the contributions of participants (maximum of 5 entries)

5:10 pm

Contributions to the debate: registered attendees

5:30 pm

Cocktail reception and book signing

6 pm
