Welfare database

CEM now provides in its Database area a new series of data related to hospitalization on the period 2000-2010

Part of the Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo research project.

Elaborated from DataSUS / Ministry of Health, the database for Hospitalization in São Paulo - 2000-2010 was organized by researchers from the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM), as part of the project "Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo", coordinated by the researcher Dr. Vera Schattan P. Coelho. The database is the result of the systematization of data obtained from the Hospitalization Information System (AIH) that contains information on hospital admissions through SUS for patients living in São Paulo.

The data allow queries about any admissions made by SUS in the city, as well as the intersection with the social and territorial information on consumers of hospital services in the city. Are provided extensive information about each hospital (including private hospitals), such as patient characteristics (age, sex), admission (hospital where it was conduct, medical speciality, patient diagnosis, date of admission and discharge, reason for charge, period of hospitalization) and billing (amount charged).

It should be clarified that from the categories available in the original databases were selected 42 variables and excluded the others. All fields have been omitted which would allow the identification of patients and managers of hospitals. Because of the points on the map have been located through the ZIP Code it is not possible to identify the exact location of residence of the patient but only the street.

The specialities under consideration were: Surgery, Obstetrics, Internal Medicine, Long Term Care (Chronic), Psychiatry, Pulmonology Clinic, Pediatrics, Rehabilitation, Treatment performed on day hospital.

Data are available by year and come with a Dictionary of Database geocoded AIH-SUS 2000-2010.

The annual database added contains information on nearly 5 million admissions that can be disaggregated year by year, borough of residence of the patient or according to other variables available.

The access can be made by the site of the Center for Metropolitan Studies in the Database area (after registration, access is immediate and free).