scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda International Colloquy: “New forms of work and of unemployment: Brazil, Japan and France, in a compared perspective“

International Colloquy: “New forms of work and of unemployment: Brazil, Japan and France, in a compared perspective“

11/09/2006 - 12/09/2006


Organizational Committee:

Nadya Araujo Guimarães (DS/FFLCH/USP, Brasil)

Helena Hirata (GTM/CNRS, France)

Kurumi Sugita (IAO/CNRS, France)


Between the years 2001 and 2004, an interinstitutional and interdisciplinary team of researchers developed an international comparative project that leaned on the links between, the intense changes in the dynamic of capitalist development, in the forms of articulation of the world economy and of economic regulation in diverse countries, and the configuration of the systems of jobs and the relations of work, with a special interest in the new forms presumed by the unemployed. Three emblematic situations of possible ranges of regimes of welfare and of forms of institutionalization of the unemployment then were thoroughly analyzed: the French case, where a powerful and inclusive public system of job and of protection was established from post-World War I; the Japanese case, where an equally solid private regimen of welfare itself constituted under the form of the so-called “life job system”; and the Brazilian case, where it was established, from the 1990s, a restricted regimen of protection to the unemployed, in a structurally flexible and strongly heterogeneous market. The three macro-metropolises of those countries–Paris, Tokyo and São Paulo–became, then, object of the empirical analysis, given the importance that there itself redressed the phenomenon of the unemployment.

Throughout four years of study, longitudinal surveys were conducted through representative samples, toward understanding the standards of occupational transition and the new forms of use of the work, and of the unemployment that emerged in each one of those metropolises. Qualitative studies were also carried out through biographical interviews in depth, with sub-samples that typified high-risk groups in the unemployment sector. The bulk of analytic innovative results already gave rise to a first publication overseas, entitled “The Unemployed and Unemployment in an International Perspective: Comparative Studies of Japan, France and Brazil,” that came to Japan in February of 2006, in an edition of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Tokyo, coordinated by Kazutoshi Kase and Kurumi Sugita. At the same time, a Brazilian publication was released, in April of 2006, handling some of the research results achieved by members of that interdisciplinary team; “Unemployment: paths, identities, mobilizations, released by Senac Publishing, São Paul,” a book organized by Nadya Araujo Guimarães and Helena Hirata.

With the present initiative, we will bring partners to Brazil who are involved in the achievement of the project, and some of its noticeable international interlocutors. Thus, the event will rely on the presence of twelve exhibitors, specialists in the work studies field and of the unemployment field, two of them affiliated with the Japanese institutions, six to French institutions and four to Brazilian institutions. The Colloquy will take place during September 11 and 12 and it'll be a unique opportunity for us to socialize with the Brazilian intellectual community, from USP and outside of it, the new results developed by that group of researchers involving Brazil, Japan and France. We also propose, on the same occasion, the release of two books that have just been published, both in Japan and in Brazil, as products of the work done by this research team.

The event will take place at the Politechnical School Auditorium, Campus Universitário in USP-West, A space with capacity for 200 participants, who must be previously registered.

Will have simultaneous translation. The texts of the communications will be available in the moment of the Colloquy.

The registration will be free and may be made from July 31, 2006, with Evania Guilhon, USP/DS ( / tel: 3091.3703).

Date: September 11 and 12

Place: Politechnical School Auditorium, Campus Universitário in USP-West

Registration: Free.

May be made from July 31, 2006 with Evania Guilhon, USP/DS ( / tel: 3091.3703).


Simultaneous Translation. The texts of the communications will be available in the moment of the Colloquy.

Archives: Folder / Cartaz

Colloquy Communications


  • BENARROSH, Yolande. Institution d’intermédiation sur le marché de l’emploi et analyse du travail. Le cas de l’ANPE.
  • DEDECCA, Cláudio S. Flexibility of regulation and a poor job market: the Brazilian experience.
  • FREYSSINET, Jacques. Les trajectoires nationales vers la flexibilité du rapport salarial: le cas de la France dans le contexte de l’Union européenne.
  • NOHARA, Hiroatsu. Paradoxe des mouvements d’emploi en France et au Japon; «précarisation et stabilisation».
  • SUGITA, Kurumi. Trajectoires profissionelles sexuées et des expériences du chômage au Japon.
  • DEMAZIÈRE, Didier. Précarité d`emploi et précarité de condition: entre formes et normes.
  • SAITO, Chikara. The development of precarious work and employment policy in Japan
  • GUIMARÃES, Nadya Araujo. Easing the flexible: new ways of working through the prism of market intermediation.
  • TSURU, Tamiko. Weight of the policies concerning the unemployed Japanese, the case of a city with mass unemployment.
  • SEGNINI, Liliana Rolfsen Petrilli. Job and career in art: international division of labor and gender relations in the heterogeneous experiences of precarious work.
  • HIRATA, Helena. Mondialisation et emploi dans une perspective comparative.

Fotos do evento:
