scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Politics and the Political Science of Regionalised and Federal States

Politics and the Political Science of Regionalised and Federal States

17/03/2011 17:30

Promoted by the Department of Political Science at USP and by the Center for Metropolitan Studies

The lecture will be display by the professor at the Institute of Governance at University of Edimburg, Charlie Jeffrey. The seminar "The Multi-Level State: Reflections on the Politics and the Political Science of Regionalised and Federal States" will discuss as parties, elections and public policy across regions and states are linked with the national plan. The speaker is specialized in European Union policies and is editing publications involving the following themes: Multi-Level Electoral Competition, European Urban and Regional Studies, Territorial Finance in Decentralised States and Devolution in the UK.

The promotion of discussion on the new models of state of the UK is a pioneering initiative in Brazil, part of the Department of Political Science, University of São Paulo and CEM (Center for Metropolitan Studies)

The seminar will take place in room 108 at the Social Sciences building at the FFLCH, USP, 17h30


Event: International Seminar on Political Science - "The Multi-Level State: Reflections on the Politics and Political Science of the Federal States and Regionalised", by Professor Charlie Jeffery

When: 17/3/11 at 17:30

Where: Room 108, Social Sciences building , FFLCH, USP, Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, Cidade Universitária

Open to all interested

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