scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda São Paulo's downtown has grown again? Different demographic trajectories and heterogeneity in the 2000s

São Paulo's downtown has grown again? Different demographic trajectories and heterogeneity in the 2000s

12/04/2013 11:00

“São Paulo's downtown has grown again? Different demographic trajectories and heterogeneity in the 2000s” is the theme of the lecture/ seminar to be held by the coordinator and researcher of CEM/INCT, Eduardo Cesar Marques, also livre-docente professor from de Political Science Department of the University of São Paulo.

The seminar is part of a series of Cebrap to 2013.


General information

When: April 12th 2013, 11 am

Where: Cebrap, Morgado de Mateus Street, 615, Vila Mariana

Open to interested parties without prior registration 

Fotos do evento:


The CEM and CEBRAP hosted a seminar presented by the CEM/INCT's coordinator, Professor Eduardo Cesar Marques.

In his presentation, Marques argued that the assertion that the center of São Paulo began to grow again throughout the 2000s is somewhat incomplete, highlighting evidence on trends and patterns. The seminar was based on an article with the same title that is in issue 95 of the magazine Novos Estudos CEBRAP, signed by Marques and researcher CEM Carolina Requena. The article can be accessed here.

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