scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Schools and the relationship between performance and social environment

Schools and the relationship between performance and social environment

10/09/2015 17:30

Seminar Center for Metropolitan Studies addresses schools and the relationship between performance and social environment

As part of the series of seminars with researchers who are currently developing or have recently developed post-doctoral research at CEM, it will be held next September 10 the event with Professor Luana Costa Almeida (UNIVAS and Unicamp), which is facing the education area with concerns about the work in schools.

In her presentation, named "Nearby schools, performance and unequal socio-economic composition: questioning the relationship between performance and socio-spatial location", Costa Almeida (doctor in Education by Unicamp) will analize the relationship between performance and social surroundings, problematizing the school inequality by one of its possible facets, the distribution of students from neighboring schools.


General Information

Event: Seminar "Nearby schools, performance and unequal socio-economic composition: questioning the relationship between performance and socio-spatial location".

When: September 10th (Thursday). from 5.30 pm to 7pm

Where: FFLCH - Room 8- Philosophy and Social Sciences Building, FFLCH/USP, Professor Luciano Gualberto Avenue, 315, Cidade Universitária,


ISUNZA VERA, Ernesto; GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian. Controles democráticos, participación y representación. In: GUILLÉN, Diana; CARRILLO, Alejandro Monsiváis (Org.). La representación política de cara al futuro: desafíos para la participación e inclusión democráticas en México. Tijuana, México: EL Colégio de la Frontera Norte, 2014, p. 47-73.

Fotos do evento:


As part of the series of seminars with researchers who are currently developing or have recently developed post-doctoral research at CEM, an event was held with Professor Luana Costa Almeida (UNIVAS and Unicamp), focusing on education with an emphasis on the work in schools.

In her presentation, titled “Nearby schools, performance and unequal socio-economic composition: questioning the relationship between performance and social surroundings,” Dr. Cost Almeida problematized the school inequality by one of its possible facets, the distribution of students from neighboring schools.

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