scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Territory, crime and social order on the edge of the city

Territory, crime and social order on the edge of the city

18/05/2012 9:00

The Seminar hosted CEM/CEBRAP organized by Gabriel de Santis Feltran (UFSCar/CEM) and Ronaldo Almeida (Unicamp/CEM/CEBRAP)



9 a.m - Session 1: “Ordainment of the crime in peripheries”

Coordinator: Gabriel de Santis Feltran (UFSCar/CEM)

- Rearrangement of the crime in Paraisópolis: from Justiceiro (someone that act punishing or taking vengeance for wrongdoing, sin, or injury) to smuggler

Presenter: Ronaldo Almeida (UNICAMP/CEM/CEBRAP)

- From the home of Febem to the chains of command: the institutional dynamics embedded in the path of youth in custody

Presenter: Fábio Mallart (CEM/CEBRAP)

- Regulation of the drug market in Vila Operária-SP: the statement PCC in the traffic management

Presenter: Liniker Giamarim Batista (PPGAS/UNICAMP – NaMargem)

- Chapter 4, Verse 3: the 'crime' in a theology of Racionais MC's

Presenter: Henrique Yagui Takahashi (PPGS/UFSCar – NaMargem)

Debater: Vera da Silva Telles (FFLCH/USP)




14 p.m - Session 2: “Drugs, Street and State: current issues”

Coordinator: Ronaldo Almeida (UNICAMP/CEBRAP)

- The role of the State on the drugs issue

Presenter: Maurício Fiore (PPGAS/UNICAMP/CEBRAP)

- Discipline and Caring: notes on the state action in ‘cracolândia’

Presenter: Taniele Rui (PPGAS/UNICAMP/CEBRAP)

- The production and management of homeless population in São Carlos: the trajectory of Luciene

Presenter: Mariana Medina Martinez (PPGAS/UFSCar – NaMargem)

- Marginal policies: analytical syntheses of a collective investigation

Presenter: Gabriel de Santis Feltran (UFSCar/CEM/CEBRAP)

Debater: Luiz Antonio Machado da Silva (UFRJ/IESP-UERJ)

Fotos do evento:



This seminar, hosted by CEM/CEBRAP, was held May 18, 2012, and was organized by Gabriel de Santis Feltran (UFSCar/CEM) and Ronaldo Almeida (Unicamp/CEM/CEBRAP). During the seminar, the participants discussed recent ethnographies, and ongoing studies of two research groups linked to CEM/CEBRAP: the NaMargem - Center for Urban Research (UFSCar / CEM) and the Group of Studies on Sociability, Urban Space and Inequality (CEM/CEBRAP).


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