scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda School choice and urban segregation in Paris suburbs

School choice and urban segregation in Paris suburbs

03/09/2010 10:00

Next seminar of Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) it wil be "School choice and urban segregation in Paris suburbs".

Professor Marco Oberti (Science Po/Paris) is going to present the next seminar of CEM (Centre for Metropolitan Studies). The event “School choice and urban segregation in Paris suburbs” will happen this Friday, September 3th, 10 AM.

The seminar will take place at CEM/Cebrap (rua Morgado de Mateus, 615, São Paulo).

Seminar series

On August 27, took place Antonio Sérgio Guimarães and Renato Pedrosa's presentation about affirmative action in Brazil.

Seminar on CEM: Overcoming inequalities? Affirmative action based on color and school of origin: a balance

The seminar series promoted by CMS (Centre for Metropolitan Studies) brought together Antonio Sérgio Guimarães (Department of Sociology, University of Sao Paulo) and Renato Pedrosa (Comvest, a permanent comitee for admission, University of Campinas). The researchers discussed affirmative action at the tertiary educational level, under the theme "Suplantando desigualdades? Favorecimento por cor e por origem escolar: um balanço" (Overcoming inequalities? Affirmative action based on color and school of origin: a balance).

The seminar took place at CEM/Cebrap (rua Morgado de Mateus, 615, São Paulo)

Fotos do evento:



Professor Marco Oberti made a presentation about his quantitative and qualitative research on the French model of integration in their education system, titled “School choice and urban segregation in Paris suburbs.”


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