The Covid-19 pandemic hit Brazil at a time of economic and social fragility and required emergency responses in terms of the formulation and implementation of public policies, as well as federative coordination. In this sense, it is of great importance to understand the policies formulated and implemented in Brazil, in an unprecedented health crisis, as well as its political constraints and its budgetary and social impacts. The organizers hope that the work will help in understanding such a challenging moment for politicians, managers, academics, workers and society in general, in contributing to the reflection and development of actions that are effective in reducing the enormous Brazilian social and economic inequalities, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The book consists of eight chapters based on a central idea: critical reflection on the response of the Brazilian public authorities to the Covid-19 pandemic. In summary, the texts that make up this work offer the reading public a critical and multifaceted view, written in the midst of a conjuncture, on different dimensions of the response that Brazil managed to offer to a crisis of enormous gravity, which ran over all the most traditional interpretative schemes. public policy analysis models.

Technical Profile
VALENTIN, Agnaldo; MOUNTIAN, André Gal; VAZ, José Carlos Vaz; PERES, Ursula Dias; URQUIDI, Vivian Grace Fernández-Dávilla (orgs)
Title Políticas Públicas e Covid-19: a experiência brasileira
Publication year

VALENTIN, Agnaldo; MOUNTIAN, André Gal; VAZ, José Carlos Vaz; PERES, Ursula Dias; URQUIDI, Vivian Grace Fernández-Dávilla (orgs). "Políticas Públicas e Covid-19: a experiência brasileira." São Paulo: Edições EACH, 2022. 1ebook. 

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