The Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) provides access for the first time to a full English edition of the book Urban Spoliation, free of charge. This book by Lúcio Kowarick is one of the most classic works of Latin American urban studies, with a transdisciplinary approach that connects and articulates political science, sociology, urbanism.

Bibliographic database (in Portuguese) that gathers information published in various editorial formats about the multiple dimensions of the Brazilian urban landscape, developed in partnership with CEM. The project is coordinated by Bianca Freire-Medeiros, a professor in the Department and Graduate Program in Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences (DCP-FFLCH) at the University of São Paulo (USP) and an associate researcher at CEM.

The Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) has a profile on the Nexo Políticas Públicas platform, for which he produces academic-journalistic content on topics related to his research. The texts address structural issues for the country and that have an interface with the formulation of public policies (in Portuguese).