Conservation units database and other green areas MGSP
The set of files now available contains the polygons of conservation units and other green areas of the Municipality of São Paulo (RMSP), and were prepared by the CEM / Cepid Transfer team, under the coordination of geographer José Donizete Cazzolato. In conjunction with hydrographic and river basin layers, this base mainly meets the demands of environmental research within the RMSP, not only considering those carried out within the scope of CEM / Cebrap, but also to external researchers and other interested parties, through the website.
Digital Cartographic Base Georeferenced for public place by
Metropolitan Region of São Paulo - Edition 2018
In the set of georeferenced cartographic archives of the Metropolitan Studies Center (RMSP), the base of streets (avenues, avenues, bridges, bridges and viaducts) can be considered the main one. In addition to representing the city's road infrastructure, allowing to infer the location of squares, parks, hydrographic channels, as well as perceiving the different plots of urban design, is the quintessential localization and geocoding tool of specific phenomena - people, events, equipment, etc. The 2018 edition totals 326,004 segments (each stretch of road - from corner to corner), of which 89% have name, real estate numbering and postal code (ZIP code). This number is quite significant, if we take into account the exceptional dynamics of metropolitan urban space. Even with the tendency towards densification and stabilization to the detriment of the expansion of the urban fabric, RMSP still incorporates a large volume of changes: new settlements, residential implants, condominiums, roadways and urban transport, large equipment, etc. which determine important impacts in the diverse cartographies, the geometric representation or the attributes. Since 2014, the CEM base of farms has incorporated a large number of changes. More than 43 thousand segments - 13% of the total - were altered or incorporated in the current edition. The changes refer to the drawing or layout, technically called GEOMETRY or the data referring to each segment, called ATTRIBUTES. The layout of the roads (roads, avenues, highways, viaducts, etc.) can be reallocated for a more precise positioning, as well as new segments. The attributes can also be adjusted or complemented: path name, zip code, real estate numbering, district to which it belongs, etc.
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The first database contains the set of bicycle lanes in the municipality of São Paulo existing in June 2017 and was produced from the georeferenced file with the design of the bicycle lanes provided by the City of São Paulo on the site of the Traffic Engineering Company (CET) 1 , This bank is compatible with CEM's Base of Offices.The second database represents the set of bike stations of both programs in the city of São Paulo: BikeSampa and CicloSampa. The third bank also includes the geo-referenced data of the bicycle stands of the municipality of São Paulo and aims to provide complementary information to the CEM dataset. It provides information on 84 equipment where it is possible to store bicycles, as to their location, type (bicycle or paracycle), number of places available for bicycles and institution linked to the transport responsible for their maintenance (SPTrans, CPTM, Metrô, ViaQuatro, EMTU , SPPI or SPSE).
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo, 2016
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo for the year 2016. For more information on the databases of the Health theme, please visit the Datasus website.
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The work done in 2016 carried out the quantification and estimation of the residents of slums (favelas) and irregular subdivisions of São Paulo from 2000 to 2010 in the Municipality of São Paulo (MSP). The study coordinated for Sehab / PMSP was accomplished in two phases: 1) correctness and repair of existing cartographies of slums and settlements in order to enable the production of statistics (without cadastral purposes) and 2) estimates of households (and people) in favelas and clandestine and irregular settlements of low income (average income of the person responsible for less than 3 minimum wage) and social characterization of the residents and their social conditions. See also reports on Research/Transference Studies.
Georeferenced Digital Cartographic Base of the RMSP Schools
Georeferenced Digital Cartographic Base of the RMSP Schools 2016
The school base contains files containing digital geo-referenced cartography of the public and private schools of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, having as original source information contained in the School Census 2016 (INEP / MEC). The original data was received in tabular database format. These databases were then standardized and georeferenced by the CEM Technology Transfer Team. Georeferencing consists of assigning geographic coordinates to each tabular database record, through operations performed in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. This process uses the geo-referenced CEM site base that, in a GIS environment, performs the binding of addresses to a geographic coordinate system, expressed generally in latitude and longitude.
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Georeferenced digital cartography of the
health establishments of the RMSP
The files presented here contain the georeferenced digital cartography of the health establishments public and private of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region in the year 2016, having as original source information contained in the National Register of Health Establishments - CNES - of the Ministry of Health. The original data was received in tabular database format. These databases were then standardized and georeferenced by the CEM Technology Transfer Team.
This file contains geocoded records and a database containing information from health establishments, such as: name, address, characterization, activity, type of care, hours of care, among others. All 39 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo were included in this database.
The original CNES file contained 23,306 registered establishments, but 20 of them were not found in any of the stages of geocoding. The database is available here - "SAU2016_CEM_RMSP" - has 23,286 health establishments.
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The two archives available here were produced between 2016 and 2017 and provide the bases that were elaborated from existing databases, compatible with the 1: 10,000 scale, seeking the complementation of the cartographic collection available not only to the researchers of the center, but also to society through the CEM website.
The geographical conception of hydrography recognizes two basic types of phenomena on continental surfaces: watercourses (rivers, streams, channels) and bodies of water (lakes and reservoirs). In geoprocessing, water courses are usually linear phenomena, whereas water bodies are polygons (areas). The identification of hydrographic EMF files indicates this condition: HidrL (L = line), where are the rivers, and HydrA (A = area), where are the reservoirs.
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo, 2015
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo for the year 2015. For more information on the databases of the Health theme, please visit the Datasus website.
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The bus lines dataset in the city of São Paulo is an extension of the research that integrates the investigation line of the Center for Metropolitan Studies(CEM / Ridc) "Patterns of governance in urban politics". This is the first set of consolidated georeferenced data and free public access to the universe of bus lines in the city of São Paulo, and aims to trace a profile of the bus lines in September 2015. With adjustments implemented in June 2017
Based on data obtained through SPTrans's information access law and its website, the dataset is an important resource for researchers dedicated to urban studies to understand the dynamics of production of bus services, an object still Social sciences. By systematizing the characteristics of the network of lines, it facilitates the extension of the possibilities of analysis of urban mobility, generally focused on questions of travel time, modalities of transport and use of the road.
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microdata dataset of the PNAD 2015
Click on the link to download the file: PNAD 2015
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo, 2014
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo for the year 2014. For more information on the databases of the Health theme, please visit the Datasus website.
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microdata dataset of the PNAD 2014
Click on the link to download the file: PNAD 2014
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo, 2013
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo for the year 2013. For more information on the databases of the Health theme, please visit the Datasus website.
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Georeferenced Digital Cartographic Base of the RMSP Schools
Georeferenced Digital Cartographic Base of the RMSP Schools 2013
The school base contains files containing digital geo-referenced cartography of the public and private schools of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, having as original source information contained in the School Census 2013 (INEP / MEC). The original data was received in tabular database format. These databases were then standardized and georeferenced by the CEM Technology Transfer Team. Georeferencing consists of assigning geographic coordinates to each tabular database record, through operations performed in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. This process uses the geo-referenced CEM site base that, in a GIS environment, performs the binding of addresses to a geographic coordinate system, expressed generally in latitude and longitude. This database was used in the Schools application, specially formulated for the general public, where information about the performance and operating conditions of public schools in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region is obtained. The CEM schools app can be accessed freely at:
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microdata dataset of the PNAD 2013
Click on the link to download the file: PNAD 2013
Territorial boundaries of Brazil - Regions, States and Municipalities 2013 - Digital Cartographics Bases Georeferenced
Elaborated under the coordination of geographer José Donizete Cazzolato, the files presented here originate from databases made available on the IBGE website in 2005. In successive editions, these files were updated and improved with the use of new databases that IBGE made available. (especially the census tracts 2010) as well as images posted on the internet (such as Google Earth) and other sources of information. Many adaptations of the municipal boundaries to the shoreline shortages have been made, shifting them, in certain cases, from the axis of bays or canals, which resulted in polygons more adjusted to the actual territorial territorial contours. Detailed information can be checked in the dictionary that integrates the rar file
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo, 2012
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo for the year 2012. For more information on the databases of the Health theme, please visit the Datasus website.
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microdata dataset of the PNAD 2012
Click on the link to download the file: PNAD 2012
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo, 2011
Base geocoded AIH / sustainable Participation and Health Policy in the City of São Paulo for the year 2011. For more information on the databases of the Health theme, please visit the Datasus website.
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