The infographics illustrate the analytical capabilities that can be extracted from the education database in the city of São Paulo constructed by CEM. This is just one example of the type of survey and scientific production that can be developed from the data made available openly and free of charge by CEM.

The videos were produced based on the research findings and analysis of the censuses from 1960 to 2010, which resulted in the book "Trajectories of Inequalities: How Brazil has changed in the last 50 years," edited by Marta Arretche.

The series Dossiê Periferia (Periphery Dossier) was aired on TV Cultura in 2005. Produced through a partnership between the broadcasting station, CEM and the Seade Foundation, the episodes in the video series present social, economic and cultural aspects of Greater Sao Paulo in accordance with research carried out by CEM and Seade Foundation.

The electronic magazine DiverCidade was a quarterly publication that, in each issue, featured a set of articles derived from the work of CEM in the areas of Research, Transfer, and Dissemination.

The Pontocem newsletter is an online publication aimed at disseminating research-related work carried out at CEM/Cepid. Published semi-annually, the publication includes bibliographic references to all works developed at CEM up to 2018 and links to access them if available on the World Wide Web..

Swiftly and promptly disseminates research findings at CEM, providing a certain level of detail that allows for capturing the main points of the research at the Center.