PHASE I: 2001-2005
From 2001 to 2005, CEM, headquartered at Cebrap, had as partners for the development of its Research, Transfer and Dissemination of Knowledge Projects, within the scope of the Cepid/Fapesp project, the following institutions: Fundação Seade, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) at USP, School of Communications and Arts (ECA) at USP, National Institute for Space Research (Inpe) and SESC/SP.
The creation of a Geographic information system group was a basic requirement for the activities of the CEM/CEPID project.
The group aimed at offering technical support for the construction of databases, particularly georeferenced data, necessary for the development of research activities and knowledge transfer. The databases were set up for: 1. Public interest databases, such Census tract and addressable street cartographies; 2. Specific applications of ongoing projects, such as location of schools, cultural facilities, schools, churches, polling places, etc; 3. Knowledge transfer and the production of methodologies for the use of georeferenced data to government agencies responsible for planning and implementing public policies.
I. Political Representation and Public Policies
1. Representation, political participation and votes spatial distribution in São Paulo - Coords. Argelina Figueiredo and Fernando Limongi
2. Spatial Dynamics of Supply and Demand for Elementary Education in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo – Coord. Haroldo Torres
3. State and infrastructure policies: policy choices, social networks and distributive consequences – Coord. Eduardo Marques
4. Analysis of changes in the supply and consumption of health services in the metropolitan region of São Paulo – Coord. Vera Schattan
5. Segregation, urban poverty and peripheries – Coord. Eduardo Marques
II. Labor Market Dynamics and Economic Activities
1. New forms of employment and occupational mobility in the metropolis of São Paulo – Coord. Nadya Araújo
III. Sociability Standards and Cultural and Religious Practices
1. The use of free time and cultural practices in the RMSP – Coord. Isaura Botelho
2. The religious dynamics in the RMSP – Coord. Ronaldo Almeida
3. Characterization of the sociodemographic profile of the television audience in the RMSP
– Coordinating Esther Hamburg
IV. Urban Conflict and Associativism
1. Environmental Conflicts in the Metropolis and Environmental Governance in Space
Metropolitan - Coord. Angela Alonso
2. Associativism in São Paulo – Coord. Adrian Lavalle
Projects Lume-FAU-USP
1. Urban and spatial dimensions of the contemporary metropolis – Coord. Regina Meyer
2. Sustainable environment in the Metropolis – Coord. Martha Grostein
3. Productive activities, transport system and land price – Coord. Cyrus Biderman