scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Factors that shape the organization of crime and use of lethal violence

Factors that shape the organization of crime and use of lethal violence

13/08/2021 - 13/08/2021

O próximo Seminário CEM será realizado no dia 13 de agosto, às 14h. Cecília Le Pero, pós-doutoranda do Centro de Estudos da Metrópole (CEM-Cepid/Fapesp), é a palestrante. Gabriel Feltran, professor do Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), será o debatedor.

O evento será transmitido ao vivo pelo canal do CEM no Youtube - Basta aguardar na página no dia e horário agendados. Perguntas poderão ser enviadas pelo chat do Youtube.

Abaixo segue o abstract do texto que será apresentado no seminário.

Factors that shape the organization of crime and use of lethal violence (paper em elaboração)
Cecília Le Pero
Abstract: Latin America is the region with the highest homicide rate in the world. Yet, there is also wide variance in the homicide rate both across countries as well as within countries. Understanding crime is an important component of understanding this variance. There exist places where crime is responsible for drastically elevating the homicide rate, places where criminal organizations take an active part in depressing the homicide rate, and innumerable points on the spectrum in between. But, what determines the relationship crime has with homicides? What are the features of social organization, urbanization and geography, economic relationships, state policies, and the criminal organization (or lack thereof) itself that lead crime to treat lethal violence as a tool to be used wantonly, a tool to be used sparingly, an undesirable phenomenon to be controlled, or an inevitability outside its purview? This paper attempts to build a theory of the determinants of crime's relationship with lethal violence based on single-state studies of crime and violence in Brazil.

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