Submitted by fflch on Wed, 26/12/2018 - 19:22

The files presented here contain the georeferenced digital cartography of the health establishments public and private of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region in the year 2016, having as original source information contained in the National Register of Health Establishments - CNES - of the Ministry of Health. The original data was received in tabular database format. These databases were then standardized and georeferenced by the CEM Technology Transfer Team.

This file contains geocoded records and a database containing information from health establishments, such as: name, address, characterization, activity, type of care, hours of care, among others. All 39 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo were included in this database.

The original CNES file contained 23,306 registered establishments, but 20 of them were not found in any of the stages of geocoding. The database is available here - "SAU2016_CEM_RMSP" - has 23,286 health establishments.

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