Catarina Segatto coordinates the project "Comparing Subnational Public Policies in Brazil: Changes in State Policies and Their Effects on Municipal Policies" at the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM).
Segatto is a professor in the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (DCP-FFLCH) at the University of São Paulo (USP). She has worked as a professor at the School of Business Administration of São Paulo (FGV EAESP) and at the Federal University of ABC, and as a researcher at the Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( and at the Center for Studies in Public Administration and Government (CEAPG/FGV EAESP). She holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration and Government from FGV EAESP. She conducted postdoctoral research at the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) and at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Regina. Her expertise lies in public policies, focusing on intergovernmental relations, bureaucracies, and the relationships between the State and Society in social policies, particularly in Education and Health at the subnational level.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5094-8225
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Articles and Technical Notes
SEGATTO, Catarina Ianni; LIMA-SILVA, Fernanda; SILVA, André Luis Nogueira da. Diferentes padrões de coordenação estadual: os fatores explicativos da atuação coordenadora nos estados brasileiros. Revista Agenda Política, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 15–34, 2024.
SEGATTO, C. I.; SANTOS, F. B. P.; BICHIR, R. M.; MORANDI, E. L. . Inequalities and the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: Analyzing un-coordinated responses in social assistance and education. Policy and Society, v. 00, p. 1-15, 2022.