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A sua busca encontrou 798 resultado(s), [ordenados por ano, descendente]
  1. MARQUES, E. C.

    How are networks of individuals in poverty in Urban Brazil? Paper presented at the National Meeting of ANPUR - 2009 - Florianópolis-SC.

  2. MARQUES, E. C.

    Social networks matter for poverty. Article presented in “LASA 2009: Rethinking Inequalities. XXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA),” June 11-14, 2009.

  3. MARQUES, E. C.

    Do social networks matter for the urban poor? Revista Dados, Vol. 52, No 2, de 2009.

  4. MARQUES, Eduardo; BICHIR, Renata M.; PAVEZ, Thais R.; ZOPPI, Miranda; RECIO, Maria Encarnación; PANTOJA, Igor.

    Networks and spatial segregation in the production of urban poverty in São Paulo: local environment. The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability v.14, pp. 809-817, 2009.

  5. SIMÕES, Solange; REIS, Bruno; BIAGIONI, Daniel; FIALHO, Fabrício; BUENO, Natália.

    The private motivations of public action: women’s associational lives and political activism in Brazil. Advances in Gender Research n. 13, pp. 203-239, Emerald Group Publishing, 2009.

  6. MARQUES, E. C; BICHIR, R.; MOYA, M.E.; ZOPPI, M.; PANTOJA, I.; PAVEZ, T. Personal Network and Urban Poverty: Preliminary Findings. Brazilian Review of Political Science, v2, n1, January - June 2008.

  7. MARQUES, Eduardo. Social Networks and Power in the Brazilian State - Learning from urban policies. Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 3, Ed. Especial, 2008.

  8. MARQUES, Eduardo; SCALON, Celi. The dynamics of social groups in São Paulo in the 1990s. Presented at the XXXII Annual Meeting of ANPOCS (National Association of Post-Graduação and Research in Social Sciences), 2008.

  9. MARQUES, Eduardo; SCALON, Celi; OLIVEIRA, Maria Aparecida de Oliveira. Comparing social structures in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Dados. 2008, vol.51, n.1, pp. 215-238. ISSN 1678-4588.

  10. GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián; CASTELLO, G.; BICHIR, R. M. The Backstage of Civil Society: Protagonisms, Networks, and Affinities Between Civil Organizations in São Paulo. Institute of Development Studies: Working Papers, 2008.

  11. FELTRAN, G. S. .

    O legítimo em disputa: as fronteiras do mundo do crime nas periferias de São Paulo. Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social, v. 1, p. 93-126, 2008.

  12. GOMES, E. C.

    Where is the pluralism: manifestations of religion in the metropolis. Rio de Janeiro: Revista Enfoques, v.7, n. 1, PPGSA, 2008.

  13. GUIMARÃES, N. A.

    Empresariando o Trabalho: Os Agentes Econômicos da Intermediação de Empregos, esses Ilustres Desconhecidos. Dados– Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 51, no 2, 2008, pp. 275 a 311.

  14. LAVALLE, Adrián Gurza.

    Contextual Politics of Service Delivery Reform: Lessons from Delhi, Mexico City and Sao Paulo. IDS Bulletin (Brighton), v.38, p.18-26, 2008.

  15. KIRSCHBAUM, C. ; VASCONCELOS, F. “Tropicália: Strategic Maneuvers in Networks of Musicians”. RAE. Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 47, p. 10-26, 2007.

  16. MARQUES, Eduardo; FERREIRA, Maria Paula; FUSARO, Edgard R.; MINUCI, Elaine G. A methodology for estimating nationwide settlements. In: Indicadores sociais para políticas habitacionais. Brasília: Ministério das Cidades, 2007.

  17. ALVES, Humberto Prates da Fonseca. Environmental inequality in São Paulo: analysis of differential exposure of social groups to environmental risk through the use of geoprocessing methodologies. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, São Paulo, v.24, n.2, pp. 301-306, Jul/Dez. 2007. ISSN 0102-3098.

  18. MARQUES, Eduardo. "Dossier: Tutoring Methods and Policy. Where do recent paths take us?” National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS), 2006. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 2007.

  19. GONÇALVES, Renata; SARAIVA, Camila. Social vulnerability, urban segregation and intra-regional inequalities (Salvador, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo). Relatório de pesquisa, 2007.

  20. MARQUES, E.; BICHIR, R.; PAVEZ, T.; ZOPPI, M.; MOYA, M.E.; PANTOJA, I. “Personal Networks and Poverty in São Paulo.” In: DIAS, L. (Org.) The use of social networks in the Humanities. Florianópolis: Ed. da UFSC, 2007. National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS), 2007.

  21. MARQUES, E.; BICHIR, R.; PAVEZ, T.; ZOPPI, M.; MOYA, M.E.; PANTOJA, I. “Personal Networks and Poverty: Preliminary Considerations for Public Policies.” Paper presented at the International Conference “Urban justice and sustainability,” International Sociological Association/RC21, Vancouver, Canada, 2007.

  22. ARRETCHE, Marta. The Institutional Agenda, Journal of Social Sciences, 64: 1-9, 2007. ISBN 0102-909

  23. COELHO, V. S. “Development and Policy: rethinking hegemonic concepts and ideas.” Reinventing Development Research. IDS Bulletin. Vol. 38. No. 2. March; pp. 98-100, 2007, UK.

  24. MARQUES, Eduardo; SCALON, Celi; OLIVEIRA, Maria Aparecida de. Comparing social structures in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. (Download arquivo – 1.667 KB) (mimeo), XII Encontro Nacional da Anpur, 2007.

  25. GOMES, E. C.; CONTINS, M. “The Paths of Faith: a comparative analysis of the religious appropriation of urban space between charismatic and neo-Pentecostal.” Revista PontoUrbe, no. 1, 2007, São Paulo, NAU-USP.

  26. GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián; HOUTZAGER, Peter; ACHARYA, A. Associations and the Exercise of Citizenship in New Democracies: Evidence from São Paulo and Mexico City. IDS Working Paper, Maio 2007.

  27. GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián; CASTELLO, G.; BICHIR, R. M. Protagonistas na Sociedade Civil Redes e Centralidades de Organizações Civis em São Paulo. DADOS: Revista de Ciências Sociais, v. 50, no 2, 2007.

  28. GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián; CASTELLO, G.;BICHIR, R. M. Redes e Capacidade de Ação na Sociedade Civil O caso de São Paulo – Brasil. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales Vol.12,; 6, July, 2007.

  29. HOUTZAGER, P., CHARYA, A.; GURZA LAVALLE, A. Associations and the Exercise of Citizenship in New Democracies. Evidence from São Paulo and Mexico City. Sussex: Institute of Development Studies, Working Papers 249, 2007.

  30. GEORGES, I. Flexibilização do mercado de trabalho e novas formas de mobilidade: Carreiras femininas no setor terciário, In: Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo. (Montevidéo: ALAST), v. , 2007.
