scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Federalism in Brazil and Policy Performance

Federalism in Brazil and Policy Performance



The Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies, Dr. Marta Arretche, presents a methodology to evaluate the performance of education and health policies and its application to the 2000s, and discussed the recent trajectories as well as the determinants. The seminar was part of a series of events organized by CEBRAP for the first semester of 2012.

Fotos do evento:


In the seminar, the Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies, Dr. Marta Arretche, presented a methodology to evaluate the performance of education and health policies and its application to the 2000s, and discussed the recent trajectories as well as the determinants. The seminar was part of a series of events organized by CEBRAP for the first semester of 2012.

Arretche explained that the research agenda is composed of three proposals: the first is an applying order which aims to better understand Brazil, considering that since the mid-1990s there has been a reduction of income inequality in the country; however, there is still much to know about inequality in the services area. Another proposal is of a theoretical nature, involving more general aspects on issues related to inequalities within jurisdictions in decentralized systems. The third proposal concerns methodological issues, since the research aims to develop more reliable methodologies that allow governments to evaluate policies.

The seminar presented the results of three years of research. Ten indicators for the health and 10 indicators for education were considered.

The data revealed that in municipalities across the country, basic health is less unequal than education. The same applies to the states of the federation. It was verified that the education average has improved its performance over the previous period: however, inequality is increasing.

For more details about the research, click here.

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