scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Internacional Lecture on Governance at USP
Internacional Lecture on Governance at USP
Researcher Christopher Ansell holds a lecture at USP titled, “A contingency approach to governance.”
Professor Christopher Ansell (Berkeley University) made the presentation “A contingency approach to governance” on June 16, 2011, at the Political Science Department of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP). He addressed topics related to the accumulation of knowledge, collaborative governance, as well as theoretical issues related to his research (approach to research, methodology and meta-analysis on case studies, among others). His presentation provided an academic debate on the research conducted in collaborative governance.
The visit of the researcher was a joint initiative of the Department of Political Science, USP and CEM, constituent of the seminars of the Political Science Department's Post-Graduate Program. Fields of interest of the American political scientist include organization theory, political sociology, public administration, France and Western Europe. Christopher Ansell take part in CEM/CMS’s International Research Advising Committee.