scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Modeling complex systems for public policies: Framework and applications
Modeling complex systems for public policies: Framework and applications
The IPEA researcher, Bernardo Furtado, presented the seminar part of methodological courses, with the Political Science Department at USP. The presentation presented the concepts, methodologies, explanations and applications of complex systems specifically for the case of public policy (the framework), and a theoretical experience of applicability to public finances, marked by the inherent difficulty of the multitude of municipalities in the metropolitan level for Brazil (the application). These factors seek to provide the public elements for understanding the approach of complex systems, its raison d'être in the case of public policy, and the possibilities of pragmatic development. The case study proposes the simple construction of a space economy with three markets, discusses its rules and mechanisms, possible resulting analysis, and future research steps.
The lecturer provided the basic references (in Portuguese and in English, with free access):
Complete book: “Modelagem de Sistemas Complexos Para Políticas Públicas”:
“Modeling Complex Systems for Public Policies”:
“Modelo espacial simples da economia: uma proposta teórico-metodológica”:
“A simple agent-based spatial model of the economy: tools for policy”: