scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Seminar Local Citizenship and International migrations: A case study on the formation of a New Agency

Seminar Local Citizenship and International migrations: A case study on the formation of a New Agency


Abstract: In face of the increased admittance of international migrants in Brazil and a national legislation that restricts their rights to citizenship, the present study addresses the local political processes concerning the promotion of rights to health, education, and work for this new population in the city of São Paulo. We argue that certain repertoires for socio-state action and interaction have established themselves throughout these political processes, which are gradually institutionalizing a new agency domain in the city’s socio-political space.

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The post-doctorate fellow at the Center for Metropolitan Studies, Patrícia Tavares de Freitas (doctor in Sociology /IFCH-Unicamp)  performed a seminar on the promotion of local citizenship of new international migrants in the city of São Paulo. The seminar called up "Local Citizenship and International Migrations: a case study on the formation of a new agency domain in the city of São Paulo", and will be delivered in FFLCH / USP, Cidade Universitária.

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