scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Some relative aspects to the 2003-2004 evolution of poverty and of the destitution in Brazil

Some relative aspects to the 2003-2004 evolution of poverty and of the destitution in Brazil

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda La ségrégation sociale a-t-elle augmenté?

La ségrégation sociale a-t-elle augmenté?

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Roundtable “Networks, civil organizations and public action”

Roundtable “Networks, civil organizations and public action”

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda International Colloquy: “New forms of work and of unemployment: Brazil, Japan and France, in a compared perspective“

International Colloquy: “New forms of work and of unemployment: Brazil, Japan and France, in a compared perspective“

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Unemployment. Institutional contexts, occupational paths and representations. Brazil, France, Japan

Unemployment. Institutional contexts, occupational paths and representations. Brazil, France, Japan

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Poverty and Inequality in the Agenda of the Public Politics

Poverty and Inequality in the Agenda of the Public Politics

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Characterization of the social-demographic profile of the television audience in RMSP

Characterization of the social-demographic profile of the television audience in RMSP

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Cinema and Social Sciences

Cinema and Social Sciences

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Discussion of the articles in the book about poverty, segregation and social inequalities in São Paulo

Discussion of the articles in the book about poverty, segregation and social inequalities in São Paulo

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Institutional changes in São Paulo: from local government to urban governance

Institutional changes in São Paulo: from local government to urban governance

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