scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Summer School IPSA-USP 2019

Summer School IPSA-USP 2019

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Fórum "A Cidade em Disputa"

Fórum "A Cidade em Disputa"

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Roundtable on Municipal governance: management, financing and participation

Roundtable on Municipal governance: management, financing and participation

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Seminar on social structure and spatial segregation - São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paris

Seminar on social structure and spatial segregation - São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paris

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Measuring the Strength of School to Work Linkages: A Strategy for Comparative Research

Measuring the Strength of School to Work Linkages: A Strategy for Comparative Research

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda International event on Social Inequality and Inclusion in Contemporary Brazil congregates international and Brazilian organizations

International event on Social Inequality and Inclusion in Contemporary Brazil congregates international and Brazilian organizations

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Round table on Municipal Governance: management, financing and participation

Round table on Municipal Governance: management, financing and participation

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scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Lançamento do documentário "Vai cair mais terra: uma história do morro"

Lançamento do documentário "Vai cair mais terra: uma história do morro"

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