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Digital Cartographic Base Georeferenced for public place by
Metropolitan Region of São Paulo - Edition 2018

In the set of georeferenced cartographic archives of the Metropolitan Studies Center (RMSP), the base of streets (avenues, avenues, bridges, bridges and viaducts) can be considered the main one. In addition to representing the city's road infrastructure, allowing to infer the location of squares, parks, hydrographic channels, as well as perceiving the different plots of urban design, is the quintessential localization and geocoding tool of specific phenomena - people, events, equipment, etc. The 2018 edition totals 326,004 segments (each stretch of road - from corner to corner), of which 89% have name, real estate numbering and postal code (ZIP code). This number is quite significant, if we take into account the exceptional dynamics of metropolitan urban space. Even with the tendency towards densification and stabilization to the detriment of the expansion of the urban fabric, RMSP still incorporates a large volume of changes: new settlements, residential implants, condominiums, roadways and urban transport, large equipment, etc. which determine important impacts in the diverse cartographies, the geometric representation or the attributes. Since 2014, the CEM base of farms has incorporated a large number of changes. More than 43 thousand segments - 13% of the total - were altered or incorporated in the current edition. The changes refer to the drawing or layout, technically called GEOMETRY or the data referring to each segment, called ATTRIBUTES. The layout of the roads (roads, avenues, highways, viaducts, etc.) can be reallocated for a more precise positioning, as well as new segments. The attributes can also be adjusted or complemented: path name, zip code, real estate numbering, district to which it belongs, etc.

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FONTE: Department of Transport of the São Paulo Municipality, CEPs(Postal Code) Base of Mail, Google Earth, City Halls of the Municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo DATA DE REFERÊNCIA: 2018 DATA DE LANÇAMENTO: