Submitted by fflch on Wed, 26/12/2018 - 19:22

Data on qualitative improvement and expansion of information on residential real estate launches in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, systematized by the Brazilian Heritage Company (Embraesp) in the period between 1985 and 2013. The objective is to support geostatistical, urban economy and policy research as part of a broad research project on the governance patterns that permeate the relationship between State and sectors outside the State interested in conducting urban public policies, such as the real estate sector.

Among the improvements made by the CEM team, the bank brings the georeferencing of buildings and houses, the correction and monetary updating, the standardization of the name of the main incorporating companies of each enterprise and several geographic operations that allow the crossing of the information of the launches with data of the companies. Censuses (1991, 2000 and 2010). The variables added to the bank and the method used for the work are indicated in the Variable Dictionary, which accompanies the data set.

This database allows us to advance in the understanding of the dynamics of the residential real estate sector, being able to respond as (in price, size, number of dormitories and parking spaces) and where (by municipality, district, geographic coordinate ) has been offering residential properties in São Paulo and Metropolitan Region over the last 28 years. It is an excellent resource for researchers on urban issues, especially those who study the real estate sector and its regulation by the municipalities, which has been problematized as one of the main causes of disordered growth and spatial segregation in the Brazilian metropolises.

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