Slums Cartographic Dataset(link na descrição, obs na tradução)

Submitted by fflch on Wed, 26/12/2018 - 19:22

In February 2003, CEM and the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the São Paulo City Hall launched CD-ROM with the digital Cartographic database of the slums of the Municipality of São Paulo, which is the official registry of favelas in the Municipality. The work is the product of a technology transfer partnership between the two institutions. For more information on slums, see also the articles available in the library of this site.

Shapefiles of the residential real estate launches

Submitted by fflch on Wed, 26/12/2018 - 19:22

Data on qualitative improvement and expansion of information on residential real estate launches in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, systematized by the Brazilian Heritage Company (Embraesp) in the period between 1985 and 2013. The objective is to support geostatistical, urban economy and policy research as part of a broad research project on the governance patterns that permeate the relationship between State and sectors outside the State interested in conducting urban public policies, such as the real estate sector.

Shapefiles of the commercial real estate launches

Submitted by fflch on Wed, 26/12/2018 - 19:22

This database enables the investigation about the dynamics of the commercial real estate production in Sao Paulo´s Metropolitan Region and over the past 28 years. It brings together information about how (in price, size, number of parking spaces) and where (municipality, district, geographic coordinates) the enterprises have been build.

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