Vice-director and coordinator of “Councils, Subnational Regimes and Training” project at Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM).
Professor at the Department of Political Science, FFLCH/University of São Paulo and researcher at the CEBRAP. He is coordinator of the Center for Democracy and Collective Action Research (CEBRAP) and he is Chair of the Track "Civil Society and Social Movements" of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA, 2017-2019). He is Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Political Science Review, titular counselor of the Humanities Area on the SciELO Advisory Committee (2017-2018), member of the Academic Committee of Social Sciences of CNPq (2017-2020).
He holds a Post-doctorate at the Institute of Development Studies (2005), a Doctorate in Political Science at the University of São Paulo (2001), a MSc in Sociology at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1994), and a Political Science and Public Administration degree at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1991).
He has experience in the field of Political Sociology and acts mostly on the following subjects: associations, civil society, democratic theory, theories of representation, public space.
His latest books are "Intermediation and Representation in Latin America - Actors and Roles Beyond Elections" (co-authored with Gisela Zaremberg and Valeria Guarneros-Mesa: Plalgrave Macmillan, 2017); "O papel da teoria política contemporânea - Justiça, Constituição, Democracia e Representação" (co-authored with Álvaro de Vita and Cícero Araújo, São Paulo: Alameda, 2015); “O Horizonte da Política: Questões emergentes e agendas de pesquisa” (org. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp/CEM/Cebrap, 2012) and "La innovación democrática en América Latina - Participación, representación y control Social" (co-authored with Ernesto Inzunsa, Mexico: CIESAS, UV, 2010).
Latest production(*)
Articles an Technical Notes
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián.O estatuto político da sociedade civil: evidências da Cidade do México e de São Paulo. Textos para discussão CEPAL, v. 28, p. 7-40, 2011.
O estatuto político da sociedade civil: evidências da Cidade do México e de São Paulo.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián; BUENO, N. S.Waves of Change Within Civil Society in Latin America: Mexico City and São Paulo. Politics & Society, v. 39, p. 415-450, 2011.
Waves of Change Within Civil Society in Latin America: Mexico City and Sao Paulo
LAVALLE, Adrian Gurza; SALGADO, Natália Bueno.006/2010 - Civil society organizations in two Latin American metropolises
Civil society organizations in two Latin American metropolises
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian; HOUTZAGER, Peter.Participatory governance and the challenge of assumed representation in Brazil. IDS Working Paper, Brighton, v. 09, pp. 02-33, 2009.
Participatory governance and the challenge of assumed representation in Brazil
LAVALLE, Adrián Gurza.Contextual Politics of Service Delivery Reform: Lessons from Delhi, Mexico City and Sao Paulo. IDS Bulletin (Brighton), v.38, p.18-26, 2008.
Contextual Politics of Service Delivery Reform: Lessons from Delhi, Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián; CHARYA, A.; HOUTZAGER, P.Beyond Comparative Anecdotalism: Lesson on Civil Society and Participation from São Paulo, Brazil. World Development, v.33, p.951-964, 2005.
Beyond Comparative Anecdotalism: Lesson on Civil Society and Participation from São Paulo, Brazil
LAVALLE, Adrián Gurza e CASTELLO, GrazielaThe blessings of this world: religious associations, Novos Estudos, n. 68, 2005, p. 73-93.
The blessings of this world: religious associations
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián.Sem pena nem glória: o debate da sociedade civil nos anos 1990. Novos Estudos. São Paulo: Cebrap, n. 66, July 2003, pp. 91-110.
Sem pena nem glória: o debate da sociedade civil nos anos 1990.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián.; HOUTZAGER, P. P.; ACHARYA, A.Who participates? Civil Society and the New Democratic Politics in São Paulo, Brazil. IDS, Working Paper 210, September 2003.
Who participates? Civil Society and the New Democratic Politics in São Paulo, Brazil
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián.La sociedad civil: disputa simbólica y transformaciones de la acción social en Brasil. Veredas, Revista de Pensamiento Sociologico. UAM-Xochimilco, v. 3, n. 4-5, 2002, pp. 239-53.
La sociedad civil: disputa simbólica y transformaciones de la acción social en Brasil.
Book Chapters
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián; BUENO, Natália S.Sociedade Civil e Intermediação política – Associações de Bairro e ONGs em duas Metrópoles latino-americanas. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). Redes Sociais no Brasil: sociabilidade, organizações civis e políticas públicas. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2012, p.173-210
Sociedade Civil e Intermediação política – Associações de Bairro e ONGs em duas Metrópoles latino-americanas.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian; BUENO, Natalia S.Waves of Change within Civil Society in Latin America: Mexico City and Sao Paulo. In: Jean Grugel (Ed.) Democratization (Vol III): Civil Society, Human Rights, and Culture in Democratization. London: Sage, Library of PoliticaL Science, 2012, pp. 235-270.
Waves of Change within Civil Society in Latin America: Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrián.La construcción política de las sociedades civiles. In: GURZA Lavalle, Adrián. (Org.). El horizonte de la política - Brasil y la agenda contemporánea de investigación en el debate internacional. México: CIESAS, 2011, p. 207-268.
La construcción política de las sociedades civiles.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian; CASTELLO, Graziela.Los agentes colectivos del control social. La doble faz de la accountability societal: Ciudad de México y São Paulo. In: GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian; ISUNZA VERA, Ernesto. La innovación democrática en América Latina: tramas y nudos de la representación, la participación y el control social. México: CIESAS-Universidad Veracruzana, 2010.
Los agentes colectivos del control social. La doble faz de la accountability societal: Ciudad de México y São Paulo.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian; ISUNZA VERA, Ernesto.Precisiones conceptuales para el debate contemporáneo sobre la innovación democrática. In: La innovación democrática en América Latina: tramas y nudos de la representación, la participación y el control social. México: CIESAS-Universidad Veracruzana, 2010.
Precisiones conceptuales para el debate contemporáneo sobre la innovación democrática.
HOUTZAGER, Peter; GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian.The paradox of civil society representation: constructing new forms of democratic legitimacy in Brazil. In: TÖRNQUIST, Olle; WEBSTER, Neil; STOKKE, Kristian (Orgs.). Rethinking popular representation. Inglaterra: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 39-58, 2010.
The paradox of civil society representation: constructing new forms of democratic legitimacy in Brazil
CASTELLO, Graziela; GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian; HOUTZAGER, Peter.Organizações civis e representação política em instituições participativas no Brasil. In: CORNWALL, Andréa; COELHO, Vera Schattan (Orgs.). Novos espaços democráticos: perspectivas internacionais. São Paulo: Editora Singular, 2009.
Organizações civis e representação política em instituições participativas no Brasil.
Seminars and lectures recording
Intervalos - Ep. 3 - Adrian Gurza Lavalle, also a researcher at CEM / Cebrap
Third episode of Intervals, a series of interviews about the trajectory and the academic life, between classes, administrative activities and the production of research of professors of the Department of Political Science of the University of São Paulo (DCP / USP). Click here to watch the video.
The CEBRAP and CEM researcher professor PCD/USP Adrian Gurza Lavalle was a guest speaker of the series of CEBRAP Seminars the first term of 2015. The theme of the debate was "Decision-making patterns of managers policy advice A comparative analysis."(portuguese content only). Click here to watch the video.
(*) See more in the Publications area of this website