
Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM-Cepid/Fapesp), where he also coordinates the project "Governance in large metropolises in a comparative perspective".

Professor at the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (DCP-FFLCH) at the University of São Paulo (USP), holds a degree in Civil/Hydraulic Engineering (UFRJ, 1987), specialization in public health (ENSP/ Fiocruz, 1989), master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning (IPPUR/UFRJ, 1993), doctorate in Social Sciences (IFCH/Unicamp, 1998), post-doctorate at Fapesp at Cebrap (2002) and periods of study at Sciences Po Paris ( 2013 and 2015), at University College London (2014) and at the University of Berkeley (2019). He is a member of the editorial collective of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) and a member of the editorial board of the Urban Affairs Review. He is a principal researcher at Fapesp and a CNPq-Level 1B Scholar. Since 2020, he has been a member of the coordination of Fapesp's eScience and Data Science program, and since 2021 he has been a member of the Special Commission on Work Regimes (CERT / USP).

Between 2017 and 2019, he was Fapesp's political science area coordinator. He is a principal researcher at Fapesp and a CNPq-Level 1B Scholar. He was director of CEM between 2004/2009, coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology for Metropolitan Studies (INCT/CNPq) between 2012 and 2014, president of RC-21 - International Sociological Association (2014/2018), member of the Strategic Council and collaborating professor at École Urbaine da Sciences Po Paris (2015-2018), corresponding editor for Latin America of IJURR Magazine, its book series (SUSC) and trustee of its Foundation (IJURR), and Brazilian coordinator of the ReSolution project of CEM and CASA/UCL with FAPESP and ESRC funding (2015/2018), deputy secretary of the Brazilian Association of Political Science, coordinator of the IPSA/USP Summer School on Technicians and Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations (2011/2014) and coordinator of the Fapesp-Cofecub agreement (2011/2012).


Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM-Cepid/Fapesp), where he also coordinates the project "Governance in large metropolises in a comparative perspective".

Full Professor in the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences (DCP-FFLCH) of the University of São Paulo (USP), he holds a degree in Civil/Hydraulic Engineering (UFRJ, 1987), a specialization in public health (ENSP/Fiocruz, 1989), a master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning (IPPUR/UFRJ, 1993), a PhD in Social Sciences (IFCH/Unicamp, 1998), a postdoctoral fellowship from Fapesp at Cebrap (2002), and study periods at Sciences Po Paris (2013 and 2015), University College London (2014), and University of Berkeley (2019). He is a member of the editorial collective of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) and a member of the editorial board of the Urban Affairs Review journal. He is a principal researcher at Fapesp and a CNPq Research Fellow - Level 1B.

He was the area coordinator for Political Science and a member of the eScience and Data Science program coordination at Fapesp, as well as a member of the Special Commission on Work Regime (CERT/USP). He was the director of CEM from 2004 to 2009, coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology for Metropolitan Studies (INCT/CNPq) from 2012 to 2014, president of RC-21 - International Sociological Association (2014/2018), a member of the Strategic Council and a collaborating professor at the École Urbaine at Sciences Po Paris (2015-2018), corresponding editor for Latin America for the IJURR journal, its book series (SUSC), and a trustee of its Foundation (IJURR). He was the Brazilian coordinator of the ReSolution project at CEM and CASA/UCL with funding from Fapesp and ESRC (2015/2018), deputy secretary of the Brazilian Political Science Association, coordinator of the IPSA/USP Summer School in Methods and Techniques of Political Science and International Relations (2011/2014), and coordinator of the Fapesp-Cofecub agreement (2011/2012).

Latest production(*)

Articles and Thecnical Notes

MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão .

The Spatial Dimensions Of Personal Networks Among Poor Urban São Paulo and Salvador. Sociologia urbana e Rurale, n. 105, p. 102-116, 2014. DOI: 10.3280/SUR2014-105007

The Spatial Dimensions Of Personal Networks Among Poor Urban São Paulo and Salvador.
MOYA, Maria Encarnacion; MARQUES, Eduardo.

Échanges sociaux et mécanismes relationnels à São Paulo et Salvador. Brésil(s). Sciences humaines et sociales, n.3, 2013.

Échanges sociaux et mécanismes relationnels à São Paulo et Salvador.

Government, political actors and governance in urban policies in Brazil and São Paulo. In: China Governance Review, 5. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Governance, 2014.

Government, political actors and governance in Urban Policies in Brazil and São Paulo.
MARQUES, Eduardo; RODRIGUES, Leandro.

O Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida na metrópole paulistana: atendimento habitacional e padrões de segregação. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, 2013, v. 15, n.2, p. 159-177.

O Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida na metrópole paulistana: atendimento habitacional e padrões de segregação.
BICHIR, Renata ; MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão.

Poverty and sociability in Brazilian metropolises: comparing poor people´s personal networks in São Paulo and Salvador. Connections, v. 32, p. 20-32, June/ 2012.

Poverty and sociability in Brazilian metropolises: comparing poor people´s personal networks in São Paulo and Salvador.
MARQUES, Eduardo; CASTELLO, Graziela; BICHIR, Renata M.

Redes Pessoais e Vulnerabilidade Social em São Paulo e Salvador. Revista USP, Dossiê Redes Sociais, n. 92, pp. 32-45, dez./2011-fev./2012.

Redes Pessoais e Vulnerabilidade Social em São Paulo e Salvador.
MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão.

Social Networks, Segregation and Poverty in São Paulo. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, v.36, n.5, p. 958–979, September/ 2012. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01143.x

Social Networks, Segregation and Poverty in São Paulo. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
MARQUES, Eduardo.

State Institutions, Power, and Social Networks in Brazilian Urban Policies. Latin American Research Review, v. 47, p. 27-50, 2012.

State Institutions, Power, and Social Networks in Brazilian Urban Policies.
MARQUES, Eduardo; CASTELLO, Graziella; BICHIR, Renata.

Explorando as associações entre redes sociais e acesso a bens em duas metrópoles brasileiras. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales . Monográfico Análise de redes sociais na lusofonia: grupo de trabalho de Análise de redes sociais do Congresso luso afro brasileiro, Salvador 2011, v.22, p.23-49.

Explorando as associações entre redes sociais e acesso a bens em duas metrópoles brasileiras. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales .
MARQUES, Eduardo.

Housing and the urban question in contemporary Brazil. Presented at the VII Turkish Congress of Urban Planning. Istanbul, Turkey, November 2011.

Housing and the urban question in contemporary Brazil.
MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão.

How do social networks matter in reducing the effects of poverty? International Journal of Sociology. Alabama, M.E. Sharpe, v. 41, p. 10-27, 2011.

How do social networks matter in reducing the effects of poverty?
MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão; BICHIR, Renata Mirandola.

Redes de apoio social no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. Novos Estudos CEBRAP, n.90, p. 10-32, julho/2011.

Redes de apoio social no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo.



MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão (Coord.). Assentamentos precários no Brasil urbano. Brasília/São Paulo: Ministério das Cidades/CEM, 2007, 392 pp.

Assentamentos precários no Brasil urbano

HOCHMAN, Gilberto;ARRETCHE, Marta;MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão (Org.). Políticas Públicas no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz, 2007, 397 pp. ISBN 9788575411247

Políticas Públicas no Brasil

MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão;TORRES, Haroldo da Gama (Org.). São Paulo: segregação, pobreza e desigualdade. São Paulo: Editora do Senac, 2005, 324 pp.

São Paulo: segregação, pobreza e desigualdade

MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão. Redes sociais, instituições e atores políticos no governo da cidade de São Paulo. São Paulo: Annablume/Fapesp, 2003.

Redes sociais, instituições e atores políticos no governo da cidade de São Paulo


Chapter Books

MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão; BARBOSA, Rogério Jerônimo; PRATES, Ian.

Socioeconomic Transformations and Social Structure. In: MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão (Org.). São Paulo in the Twenty-First Century Spaces, Heterogeneities, Inequalities. New York: Routledge, 2016, p. 56-72.

Socioeconomic Transformations and Social Structure.
MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão.

The Social Spaces of the Metropolis in the 2000s. In: MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão (Org.). São Paulo in the Twenty-First Century Spaces, Heterogeneities, Inequalities. New York: Routledge, 2016, p. 138-159.

The Social Spaces of the Metropolis in the 2000s.
MARQUES, Eduardo; RODRIGUES, Leandro.

A produção pública de habitação. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). A metrópole de São Paulo no século XXI: espaços, heterogeneidades e desigualdades. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp/CEM, 2015, p. 337-365.

A produção pública de habitação.
MARQUES, Eduardo.

Condições habitacionais e urbanas no Brasil. In: ARRETCHE, Marta (org.). Trajetórias das desigualdades: como o Brasil mudou nos últimos cinquenta anos. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp/CEM, 2015, p.223-247.

Condições habitacionais e urbanas no Brasil.
MARQUES, Eduardo Cesar Leão.

Estado, atores políticos e governança. FERNANDES, Ana Cristina; LACERDA, Norma; PONTUAL, Virgínia (Orgs.). Desenvolvimento, planejamento e governança: expressões do debate contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital/ANPUR, 2015, p. 181-201.

Estado, atores políticos e governança
MARQUES, Eduardo.

Os espaços sociais na metrópole nos 2000. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). A metrópole de São Paulo no século XXI: espaços, heterogeneidades e desigualdades. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp/CEM, 2015, p. 173-198.

Os espaços sociais na metrópole nos 2000.
MARQUES, Eduardo; REQUENA, Carolina.

Trajetórias demográficas diversas e heterogeneidade. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). A metrópole de São Paulo no século XXI: espaços, heterogeneidades e desigualdades. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp/CEM, 2015, p. p.147-171.

Trajetórias demográficas diversas e heterogeneidade.
MARQUES, Eduardo; BARBOSA, Rogério Jerônimo; PRATES, Ian.

Transformações socioeconômicas e grupos sociais. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). A metrópole de São Paulo no século XXI: espaços, heterogeneidades e desigualdades. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp/CEM, 2015, p. 21-43.

Transformações socioeconômicas e grupos sociais.
MARQUES, Eduardo.

Agências. In: Geraldo Di Giovanni; Marco Aurélio Nogueira. (Org.). Dicionário de Políticas Públicas. 1ed. São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial/Ed. Unesp, 2013, v. 2, p. 102.

MARQUES, Eduardo.

Path dependence. In: Geraldo Di Giovanni; Marco Aurélio Nogueira. (Org.). Dicionário de Políticas Públicas. 1ed. São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial/Ed. Unesp, 2013, v. 2, p. 124.

Path dependence.
MARQUES, Eduardo.

Redes de políticas. In: Geraldo Di Giovanni; Marco Aurélio Nogueira. (Org.). Dicionário de Políticas Públicas. 1ed.São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial/Ed. Unesp, 2013, v. 2, p. 345.

Redes de políticas.
MARQUES, Eduardo; BICHIR, Renata.

As redes pessoais em São Paulo e Salvador. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). Redes Sociais no Brasil:sociabilidade, organizações civis e políticas públicas. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2012, p.45-68.

As redes pessoais em São Paulo e Salvador.
MARQUES, Eduardo; CASTELLO, Graziela; BICHIR, Renata.

Redes pessoais e acesso a mercados. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). Redes Sociais no Brasil: sociabilidade, organizações civis e políticas públicas. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2012, p.69-79.

Redes pessoais e acesso a mercados.
MARQUES, Eduardo.

Redes Sociais, pobreza e segregação em São Paulo e Salvador – conceitos e métodos. In: MARQUES, Eduardo (org.). Redes Sociais no Brasil: sociabilidade, organizações civis e políticas públicas. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2012, p.21-43.

Redes Sociais, pobreza e segregação em São Paulo e Salvador – conceitos e métodos.

Seminars and lectures recording


Recording of the Seminar at Maria Antonia University Center-USP. On March 14, 2016, at 7:00 pm, the “Urban Poverty, Segregation and Heterogeneities” debate took place at the Maria Antonia University Center-USP, part of the series “Urban Inquiries - The periphery in the center,” with Eduardo Marques (CEM/DCP-USP), Gabriel de Santis Feltran (CEM/UFSCar), and Renata Bichir (CEM/EACH-USP). In this edition, the panel discussed the transformations undergone by the Brazilian metropolitan peripheries over the last thirty years, allowing the growth of access to services and public policies and producing intense activity and cultural activism, pluralizing the possibilities of action and politics that were themselves. On the other hand, various forms of violence have taken on a structuring dimension of social life, and the old patterns of inequality have been rebuilt around new demands such as quality of services and public facilities. In this sense, what challenges were posed for public action in these places and for the conquest of rights in the coming decades.

Recording of the conference “Challenges of Regionalization” by Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques, held at a Seminar at ENSP/FioCruz in Rio de Janeiro: “Challenges of Regionalization and Conformation of Attention Networks in the Context of Crisis and Territorial Inequalities,” on 12/13/2016.

RC-21 President Eduardo Marques presentation recording in the RC21 event (27.28 and 08.29 2015) “The ideal city: between mith and reality”/Urbino, It. Day 1.

Debate Series on Issues of the City of São Paulo 2030. Event Recording held on May 23rd 2016: “Debate on São Paulo less unequal,” Parliament's School, which aimed to discuss social inequalities in its third seminar.

Participants: Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques (CEM/DCP-USP), Father Jaime Crowe (Society Holy Martyrs), Vera Masagão Ribeiro (Ação educativa) and councillor Juliana Cardoso (PT-SP). To watch the video, click here (Portuguese content only).

Lecture by Eduardo Cesar Marques: “Urban poverty, space and sociability - a contribution from Brazilian cities,” held at the Association of American Geographers-AAG, Tampa, Florida, April 10, 2014. Part of the IJURR Lecture Series (The International Journal of Urban and Regional Research and Wiley-Blackwell). Click here to watch the conference recording.

15th IPHS Conference, July 2012. Watch the video of the 15th IPHS Conference with the participation of Professor Eduardo Marques, member of the scientific committee. Click here to watch the video.




Research group site Urban Politics 

(*) See more in the Publications area of this website
