scientific diffusion Seminars and Agenda Work and GenderMarket: international comparisons Brazil - France

Work and GenderMarket: international comparisons Brazil - France

09/04/2009 - 10/04/2009


Debating key themes as the work market, employment and unemployment, education, professions, careers and remuneration in the perspective of the relations between race/ethnics is the main objective of the International Work and GenderMarket Seminar: international comparisons Brazil - France. The meet, happening on April 9 and 10, will assemble both Brazilian and foreign researchers, proposing to draw parallels and comparisons between the situations in Brazil, France and other countries in Europe and Latin America. Prominent theoretical aspects of the studies of gender will also be discussed.

For further information access, the official page of the meet (



Research Group “Socialization and Gender, Race/Ethnics Relations” (SOGERAE), from the Carlos Chagas Foundation; Research Network “Work and Gender Market” (GDR Mage), connected to the National Scientific Research Center (CNRS), in France.


Scientific Committee:

• Cristina Bruschini, Maria Rosa Lombardi and Albertina de Oliveira Costa, researchers from the Carlos Chagas Foundation

• Helena Hirata, researcher for CNS and advisor from GDR-MAGE

• Bila Sorj and Paola Cappellin, from the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IFCS-UFRJ)

• Nadya Araújo Guimarães, from the Department of Sociology of the Philosophy, Letters and Human Science University from the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP)

Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS/CEBRAP - Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning)

• Tânia Casado, from the Economics, Business and Accounting - FEA, University of São Paulo (USP).

Fotos do evento:
