Contemporary metropolises

Centro de Estudos da Metrópole apresenta novo website

The new website was designed for an easy navigation and for facilitating the visitor location of content available. For the formulation of the new site of the CEM (Centre for Metropolitan Studies) it was adopted a format more friendly user and intuitive organization. The new website is now hosted on the FFLCH’s (School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences) Portal.

The new structure of the site includes the contents related to Research lines of the Centre, and on the Home there are links to pages of the research coordinators, as well as the highlighted menus and submenus of large content areas of the site. The visitor continues to have free access to Databases, to Studies in partnership with public sector institutions (municipal, from state and federal) and most of the production of researchers from institution, all of that now available in the Publications area.

All contents previously available can still be accessed freely: the Database, the Map Collection, Publications (on line library), the Research Lines, the archives of the news broadcasted, articles and stories on the media and diffusion projects, the research Seminars and the CEM Working Papers. New content will be incorporated soon, both from research results as audiovisual production, among others.

The new website aims as to enable the visitor to easily find what is searching and the pages which are more easily accessed (for faster browsing).


What has changed?

For those who already visit the site frequently, the Research area encompasses the submenus Research Lines (current and completed), seminars, studies/projects (Transference Studies).

The Database area continues encompassing the various dataset provided by CEM (Cartographic Bases, Demographic, Housing developments, Territorial limits of Brazil - Regions, States and Cities 2013, Social Inequality, Territorial Division, Education, Elections, Companies, Street maps and Health/welfare databases). To get access just register yourself and have immediate access.

Finally, the Publications area incorporates the online library with articles, books (including the references of Book Chapters, in some cases the entire texts are available), Working Papers CEM (Working papers CEM), pontocem Bulletin, Theses (including Dissertations), the project Theses in São Paulo (São Paulo database on theses), CEM's news archives and memory (Dossier Periphery and DiverCidade).

Included in the Map Collection several submenus: Downloading data from the Map Collection, Territorial Division (Brazil, Territorial Division, Intraurban Divisions), Demography (Brazil, Territorial Division, Intraurban Divisions), Electoral Maps.

For those already familiar with the work of CEM, it was created a Sitemap, in About Us.


Most content is available in both Portuguese and English.