Inequality In Motion
In January 2017, the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM), in partnership with Oxfam Brasil and Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, launched the special booklet “Inequality in Motion.” The special edition includes articles that address the challenges that the new mayors of the Brazilian municipalities will face this year.
The booklet includes texts that addressed the situation of inequality on CEM research, among other works:
- The inequality in different nuances, by Katia Maia and Marta Arretche
- Is equality still a value to be pursued ?, by Luciana Jaccoud
- Councils, associations and territorial inequality, by Adrián Gurza Lavalle and Leonardo Sangali Barone
- Migration flows and persistent inequality in Brazil, by José Marcos Pinto da Cunha
- Map of Inequality reveals the different cities within the São Paulo capital, by Oded Grajew
- Urban Mobility: The Multiple Challenge for Cities in the 21st Century, by Glauco Peres da Silva
- Religions and social inequalities, by Ronaldo de Almeida and Rogério J. Barbosa
Check here (portuguese content only)
Last year another booklet was released by the same partnership initiative "More Inequal all the time", here.