In an interview with Free Space, Eduardo Marques, a researcher at CEM / CEBRAP, talks about the book "The metropolis of the twenty-first century."
International book release: Work about São Paulo in the XXI Century
English version of the book edited by Eduardo Cesar Leao Marques brings substantive incorporation of the Brazilian content
The new book, "São Paulo in the Twenty-First Century Spaces, Heterogeneities, Inequalities", edited by professor Eduardo Cesar Leao Marques (Rutledge Publisher) analyzes in detail the main social, economic and special transformation of the city of São Paulo. In the last 30 years, São Paulo has become a more heterogeneous and less unequal city. Contrary to some expectations, the recent economic transformations did not produce social polarization, and the localized processes of spaces production (and the plural is increasingly important) are more and more key to define their respective growth patterns, social conditions, forms of housing production, service availability and urban precariousness. In other dimensions, however, inequalities remain present and strong and certain disadvantaged areas have changed little and are still marked by strong social inequalities. The metropolis remains heavily segregated in terms of race and class, in a clear hierarchical structure.
The book shows that it is necessary to escape from dual and polarity interpretations. This did not lead to the complete disappearance of a crudely radial and concentric structure (not only due to geographic path dependence), but superposes other elements over it, leading to more complexes and continuous patterns. A general summary of these elements could perhaps be stated as pointing to greater social/spatial heterogeneity, accompanied by smaller, but reconfigured inequalities.
The book based in researches develped at CEM/RDIC with the support received from the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp) and National Council for Scientifc and Technological Develop-ment (CNPq) for the development of the research project on which this book is based.
Name: "São Paulo in the Twenty-First Century: Spaces, Heterogeneities, Inequalities"
Editor: Eduardo Cesar Leo Marques
Year: 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Pages: 246 pages | 23 B/W Illus.
ISBN: 978-1-138-65560-7 (hbk)ISBN: 978-1-315-62242-2 (ebk)
More information:
To look Inside:
Table of Contents
Introduction: Heterogeneities and Inequalities in a Southern Metropolis [Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques]
- São Paulo, Histories, Institutions and Legacies [Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques] Part I: Economic Processes and Social Structure
- Socioeconomic Transformations and Social Structure [Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques, Rogério Jerônimo Barbosa and Ian Prates]
- Labour Market, Income Inequalities and Poverty [Rogério Jerônimo Barbosa and Ian Prates] Part II: Demographic Dynamics and Segregation
- Population Dynamics and Migration: 1991-2010 [José Marcos Pinto da Cunha]
- Diverse Demographic Trajectories and Heterogeneity [Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques and Carolina Requena]
- The Social Spaces of the Metropolis in the 2000s [Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques]
- Inequalities and Residential Segregation by Race and Class [Danilo França] Part III: Processes of Space Production
- The Dynamics of São Paulo's Favelas: Socioeconomic Conditions and Territorial Patterns [Camila Pereira Saraiva]
- Public Housing Production [Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques and Leandro de Pádua Rodrigues]
- Private Sector Housing Developments: Who Produces What, How and Where? [Telma Hoyler]
- Mobility Inequalities in a Road Transport System [Carolina Requena]

The result is the book "The metropolis of the twenty-first century: spaces, heterogeneities and inequalities", released in Brazil by publisher UNESP (2015); and in the UK by Routledge publishing house (2016).

Produced by the Center for Metropolitan Studies, the work is included in the review process of urban theories from the processes taking place in the southern cities
