Launch of the digital version of the book: Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista: diversidades socioespaciais na virada para o século XXI
This work represents an update, based on data from the 2010 Demographic Census of the Atlas Baixada Santista: socio-spatial diversities, produced in 2007 by the Núcleo de Estudos de População "Elza Berquó" (Nepo) and Núcleo de Economia Social, Urbana y Regional (Nesur ), both from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), based on data from the 1980, 1991 and 2000 Censuses. The ebook is edited by professors José Marcos Pinto da Cunha (also CEM"s researcher) e Luiz Antonio Chaves de Faria.
It is a work of systematization and spatialization of sociodemographic data, aiming to show the diversity present in the Metropolitan Region of the Baixada Santista (RMBS), aiming at a better understanding of the social and demographic processes, and especially of some of the main problems and / or needs that afflict the regional population.
Thus, its conception had as reference the characteristics of a metropolitan region, such as territorial fluidity and socio-spatial complementarities and contiguities. Therefore, despite the importance of municipal administrative divisions - obviously not neglected -, it is considered fundamental that the "metropolitan look" is central to a diagnosis which seeks to identify and solve the problems related to land use planning and the elaboration and effective application of public policies aimed at guaranteeing the quality of life of the population, especially the one with the lowest income.
The set of maps and tables presented in this volume aims to illustrate some of the most relevant sociodemographic dimensions so that, from its reading and observation, the reader can have a good idea of the socio-spatial diversity existing in the RMBS and, perhaps, not only envision it but, above all, new issues that deserve to be investigated and inequalities that need to be denounced.
Title: Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista: diversidades socioespaciais na virada para o século XXI
Editors: José Marcos Pinto da Cunha and Luiz Antonio Chaves de Faria
Year: 20'17
ISBN (eBook):978-85-65608-44-2
Available: ebook compatible with epub and Amazon Kindle standards. The digital format can be read with iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Fire, Kobo, Windows and Mac.
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