São Paulo's periphery

“Fronteiras de Tensão”by professor at UFSCar and CEM's fellow researcher Gabriel Feltran discusses the outskirts of S.Paulo

Editora Unesp and the Centre for Metropolitan Studies

capa_fronteiras_tensao.jpegFronteiras de Tensão, by Gabriel Feltran

Politics and Violence in the outskirts of Sao Paulo

The book "Fronteiras de Tensão" (256 pages, R $ 38) presents a new perspective on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, discussing the paradoxes and myths that surround it. Compiling results of extensive field research, check the decisive changes in social and political dynamics of these territories in recent decades, which facilitate the emergence of the criminal world and the different modes of management of violence in these territories.

From situations encountered on the borders of the city, along with residents and their families, social organizations and programs with which they live, the analysis shows a change of status of contemporary urban conflict.

Based on a research that won the Best Doctoral Thesis Contest in 2009 ANPOCS (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences), the book reports the strategies of its main characters in front of the dispute - sometimes violent - around the social legitimacy.

"Fronteiras de Tensão" is the latest work of editorial partnership between the CEM – Centre for Metropolitan Studies and Editora Unesp.

"The book originates from a long ethnographic work that came from the observation of trajectories of youth from a district in the outskirts of Sao Paulo. Because of its analytical density, the study goes far beyond its empirical object and reveals how these young people and their families interact with social policies and public security, with crime and human rights organizations in contexts where social integration by inserting in the labor market is no longer a credible promise. In these, the world of crime increases when disputes with the signs of labor market mobility and social recognition. "- Martha Arretche, Professor At Uiversity of Sao Paulo and Director of CEM.

About the Author

Gabriel de Santis Feltran a doctorate in Social Sciences at UNICAMP, with a sandwich doctorate at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He is professor of Sociology Department of UFSCar, a fellow researcher at the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM), from the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (Cebrap) and coordinator of NaMargem - Centre for Urban Research.