Seeding Science Project presents a application about Schools

Seeding Science Project and CEM offers APP on schools

Anyone may now learn about schools in the Greater São Paulo over the Internet

A fully online tool has been specially created so that users may learn about the many aspects of the city's schools. The main idea is to allow anyone to learn more about the city’s elementary and middle schools thanks to research developed with the knowledge of the social sciences, geoprocessing, demography, statistics, and programming.

The Seeding Science Project was founded to allow people to know more about the science produced at the University of Sao Paulo so that it may further contribute to society's demands. The Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) is one of the CEPIDs (Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers) funded by FAPESP (Sao Paulo’s Research Foundation) and integrates the Seeding Science Project.

Due to a partnership between CEM, Sao Paulo’s State Secretariat of Technology, and the Metro (Sao Paulo’s Metropolitan Company) the Seeding Science Project will provide subway passengers with the application "School also has grades" during the month of November. The campaign seeks to disseminate science among the population to spark scientific interest in varied knowledge areas and to produce knowledge useful to society.


Hotsite prepared at CEM allows you to know of the city's schools

The free access platform allows you to locate any school of your interest on the map and obtain information on its national examination grades, facilities (labs, sports courts, library), and the socio-economic conditions of its students.

The app also lets you compare this information with other schools. A glossary explains the information available within the app and CEM researchers explain through videos important questions concerning the relationship of the schools with students and their educational performance.

The tool was built by the Center for Metropolitan Studies based on data produced by the Anísio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, using a Geographic Information System (GIS) that allows one to locate schools across Sao Paulo’s metropolitan region. All data will be periodically updated.