Social Networks Workshop
A collective publication in progress, coordinated by the researcher Eduardo Marques, constituted the focus of the Workshop held on May 25, 2011, at CEM. The researchers participated in the various branches of the project and discussed the works that will be part of a book and it will address the results of research on social networks.
The collective discussions of preliminary versions of chapters also aimed increase the level of convergence among the various studies.
These researches have been performed by the Center for Metropolitan Studies, or under its influence, and in them were used social network analysis to investigate social life, participation and public policy.
Discussions were held in sessions, composed as follows:
Session 1
a. Networks in Sao Paulo and Salvador (quanty) – Eduardo Marques, Graziela Castelo e Maria Encarnación Moya.
b. Networks in Sao Paulo and Salvador (quality) - Maria Encarnación Moya, Eduardo Marques.
c. Rap networks at São Paulo’s periphery - Charles Kirschbaum e Ana Carolina Andrada.
Session 2
a. Networks of public security policies - Thais Pavez, Demétrio Gaspari Cirne de Toledo e Renata da Rocha Gonçalves.
b. Networks of popular associations in Sao Paulo and Mexico City - Adrián Gurza Lavalle e Natália Bueno
c. Networks and civil organizations in public safety policies in Sao Paulo - Ana Paula Galdeano.
Session 3
a. Housing policies and personal networks in a slum in Sao Paulo - Rafael Barros Soares.
b. Social networks, styles and practices of the Community Health Agents - Gabriela Spanghero Lotta.