CEM presents and provides database regarding commercial real estate developments in São Paulo and Metropolitan Region - 1985-2013

Database on commercial developments in São Paulo and Metropolitan Region

This database enables the investigation about the dynamics of the commercial real estate production in Sao Paulo´s Metropolitan Region and over the past 28 years. It brings together information about how (in price, size, number of parking spaces) and where (municipality, district, geographic coordinates) the enterprises have been build. It is an excellent resource for researchers in urban policies, especially for those who are dedicated to study the real estateindustry and its regulation by municipalities, appointed as one of the major cause of unplanned growth and spatial segregation in Brazilian cities.

This database it is a qualitative improvement and an extension of information on commercial developments in São Paulo and the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, systematized by Empresa Brasileira de Patrimônio (Embraesp) between 1985 and 2013. 

The total of 1,350 records contained in that database refers only ventures that have been launched for sale in the formal market, thus not covering the types of releases built-to-suit, made to order from an already pre-determined tenant and contractor long-term (contractual relationship governed by Federal Law 12.744/12).

Among the improvements made by the CEM team it can be mentioned: the georreferencing of the buildings, the monetary and restatement update, the standardization of the name of development companies, builders and sellers of each project. The variables added to the database and the method used for the work are listed in the Dictionary of Variables.

This database it added to another (already in CEM's website) which refers to housing developments.

The dataset is available in the Database area of CEM's website.