CEM researcher - Recording of a Seminar in Porto Alegre

Video record of "Registered in the Margins" Seminar (“Inscrições nas Margens”), which took place on November 8, 2013 (Pantheon, IFCH, Campus do Vale), in Porto Alegre, by Gabriel Feltran, CEM researcher and professor of UFSCAR.

Table "Ethnographic Experiences":

Coordination: Claudia Fonseca (NaCi / UFRGS)

Adriana Vianna (Museu Nacional / UFRJ-MN) - (Co) moving: about time, space and shared field languages

Gabriel Feltran (NaMargem / UFSCAR) - From the streets and other demons: a collective ethnography among 'marginal' urban SP

Commentator: Fernanda Ribeiro (PPGCS / PUC-RS).

The event brought together participants from three research centers: Centre for Anthropology and Citizenship, UFRGS, At The Edge, Federal University of São Carlos, and the Post-graduate in Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul objective was to provide a space for dialogue between researchers working in similar subject fields.

The meeting was composed of three activities. It began with a round table entitled "Ethnographic Experiences" with teachers Feltran Gabriel (UFSCAR), Adriana Vianna (UFRJ / MN) and Fernanda Ribeiro (PPGCS / PUC-RS), which were exposed in their ongoing research and mentees.

You can watch the seminar record here.