New Electoral Maps 2008

The CEM provides new maps of São Paulo for the 2008 election, illustrating the votes for mayor and city council representatives

Researchers at the Center for Metropolitan Studies updated the Electoral Maps producing new ones that illustrate the distribution of votes among the electorate from the city of São Paulo in 2008 (maps for the elections of 2000 and 2004 are already available). The material provides a picture of these competitions, and allows one to trace the votes for the main candidates.

In the municipal elections of 2008, the turnover was nearly 7 million people expressing their preferences about who should be the new mayor of the capital, as well as who should be the occupants of the 55 seats in the City Council.

There were 11 candidates sharing these votes in the first round on the executive competition, and for each one the electoral map is available. The maps of the second round are also available. As for the legislative elections, the maps are available for all elected councilors, as well as maps showing the parties votes and overall performance (parties votes + candidates votes) – only for the parties which came to elect a city council representative. Moreover, there are maps of void and null votes. All this amounted to 102 electoral maps.

To open the maps of 2008, click on the item of interest on this table here (archive in pdf format 255 Kb).

Methodological notes (archive in pdf format 300 Kb)

To access the other maps click here