Research results

Works by researchers at the Centre for Metropolitan Studies addressing research results

In recent months several publications from CEM Professors and researchers have been released. These books discuss topics related to contemporary metropolis, housing policy, federalism, inequality, associations, social networks, among others.

These works present some of the findings from researches developed at the Center. Most part of these books can be found in bookstores. Here some of them:

On peripheries: New conflicts in contemporary Brazil (Sobre periferias: Novos conflitos no Brasil contemporâneo) organized by Gabriel de Santis Feltran and Neiva Vieira da Cunha, 2013, Lamparina/Coed Publishing, FAPERJ, 224p. The articles gathered within this book reveal a great elaboration of an analytical field, whose complexity lies on the acknowledgement that the periphery borders are far from being structured by solely or primarily spatial coordinates. After all, as it is shown by the published works, there can be political, religious, social, administrative and/or cultural margins – without constituting fixed, homogenous or unified spaces subjected to the same divisions.   

Public Policy as a Multidisciplinary Field (A Política Pública como Campo Multidisciplinar), organized by Eduardo Marques and Carlos Aurélio Pimenta de Faria, 2013, Editoras UNESP/Fiocruz, 282p. Originated at the forum "A Multidisciplinary Analysis in Public Policy" held during the meeting of the Association of Political Science (ABCP) in 2010, in Recife, the work adds even later contributions. It brings a total of 10 essays, which give a brief overview of how the different fields of knowledge have addressed public policy in the country.

Being an unemployed in Paris, São Paulo and Tokyo - A method of international comparison (Être chômeur à Paris, São Paulo, Tokyo - Une méthode de comparaison internationale),  Didier Demazière, Nadya Araujo Guimarães, Helena Hirata and Kurumi Sugita. Presses de Sciences Po publisher, 320 p. (in French). The condition of being unemployed is marked by the obligation to look for a job, but this definition hides heterogeneous international realities.  The aim of this book is to explore the diversity of meanings of unemployment: how do the unemployed people live and interpret their situation in Paris, São Paulo and Tokyo? Outcome of investigations using in depth biographical interviews and a new method of international comparison, this book renews the knowledge on unemployment in a way as unique as exciting. 

The experience of job seeking: interactions, experiences and meanings (A experiência da procura de trabalho: interações, vivências e significados), author Priscila Faria Vieira, 2013, Annablume Publisher/CEM; Fapesp/CNPq, 284 pages (in Portuguese). From the investigations carried out by the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM/INCT/CEPID, this book looks into the act of job looking via institutions of labor intermediation. The author develops an analysis assuming that the act of searching for a job cannot be reduced to an economic phenomenon, based on a rational calculus, which joins suppliers and demanders of jobs, nor can it be treated as a simple strategic indicator of unemployment as certain sociology perspectives assume.

The Horizon of Politics, Emerging Issues and Research Agenda (O Horizonte da política: Questões emergentes e agendas de pesquisa), Adrian Gurza Lavalle (org.), Unesp Publisher/CEM/CEBRAP, 400 pages. This is a portrait of the research agenda and its results from different groups in the Brazilian Centre for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) and in the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM), developed over the last ten years. Although each chapter might be read separately, as they are in-depth analysis of a central theme in the agenda of debate and emerging frontiers, the whole book shows a substantial contribution to this agenda.

Democracy, federalism and centralization in Brazil (Democracia, federalismo e centralização no Brasil), Marta Arretche, published by Fiocruz/FGV Publisher/CEM, 232 pages. Against the mainstream,  this book presents an innovative interpretation on how of the Brazilian federal system works. Focusing on the role of the Union, the author shows the various mechanisms that promote the authority of the central government and, consequently, a very centralized federation. The Union has broad legislative prerogatives, large regulatory capacity and a significant control over resources. Contrary to what many analysts say, 1988 was another chapter in the great movement of state centralization which begun in the 1930s.

Opportunities and Deprivation in the Urban South. Poverty, Segregation and Social Networks in São Paulo, Eduardo Marques, Ashgate (launched at United Kingdom), 198 pages. Contending that everyday sociability and social networks are central elements to an understanding of urban poverty,Opportunities and Deprivation in the Urban South draws on detailed research conducted in São Paulo in an examination of the social networks of individuals who identify as poor. The book uses a multi-methods approach not only to test the importance of networks, but also to disentangle the effects of networks and segregation and to specify the relational and spatial mechanisms associated with the production of poverty. It thus explores the different types of network that exist amongst the metropolitan poor, the conditions that shape and influence them, their consequences for the production of poverty and the mechanisms through which networks influence daily living conditions.

Social Networks in Brazil - Sociability, Civil Organizations and Public Policy (Redes Sociais no Brasil – Sociabilidade, Organizações Civis e Políticas Públicas), organized by Eduardo Marques, Fino Traço Publisher/CEM,  340 pages. The book gathers researches produced at the Centre for Metropolitan Studies related to social networks. As widely noted in recent years, social networks make up the fabric of relations between individuals, groups and entities that structure fields where social phenomena happen. Despite the recent widespread usage of networks as a metaphor for social phenomena, there are few Brazilian studies that investigate relational structures empirically and test them by using specific methodologies developed internationally for this type of analysis. The publication helps to fill in this gap by presenting results of a series of investigations on social networks and the reproduction of poverty, cultural and associative practices, job searching, and the formulation and implementation of public policies. Taken all together, these studies contribute to an important advance in our knowledge about the importance of relational structures. 

Administrative Capacity of the Brazilian Municipalities for Housing Policy (Capacidades Administrativas dos Municípios Brasileiros para a Política Habitacional), Marta Arretche (coordination), Berenice de Souza Carneiro, Edgard Fusaro, Edney Cielici Dias and Mariana Bittar (available on line on this website), 214 pages. The publication investigates the capacity of municipalities to implement housing policies, examining the evolution of the tools used to manage these policies throughout the 2000s. In addition, it maps the main programs and the strategies of intergovernmental cooperation adopted by municipalities. The researchers propose a new methodology that can be applied to future studies.

São Paulo:  New Pathways and Actors, society, culture and politics (São Paulo: Novos Percursos e Atores, sociedade cultura e política), organized by Lúcio Kowarick and Eduardo Marques. 34 Publishers/CEM, 400 pages. The work consists of several essays by researchers and scholars who approach the city  from multiple disciplines  making an account of recent main changes on the metropolis, discussing the social, cultural, political and economic problems that marked it in a more eloquent way during the first decade of this century, in view of the existing analysis on the legacy of previous periods.